[bootstrap] [author = dogstar] * * 1、针对全部public的函数进行单元测试 * 2、可根据@testcase注释自动生成测试用例 * * 备注:另可使用phpunit-skelgen进行骨架代码生成 * * @author: dogstar 20150119 * @version: 4.0.2 */ if ($argc < 3) { echo "\n"; echo colorfulString("Usage:\n", 'WARNING'); echo " php $argv[0] [bootstrap] [author]\n"; echo "\n"; echo colorfulString("Options:\n", 'WARNING'); echo colorfulString(' file_path', 'NOTE'), " Require. Path to the PHP source code file\n"; echo colorfulString(' class_name', 'NOTE'), " Require. The class name need to be tested\n"; echo colorfulString(' bootstrap', 'NOTE'), " NOT require. Path to the bootsrap file, usually is test_env.php\n"; echo colorfulString(' author', 'NOTE'), " NOT require. Your great name here, default is dogstar\n"; echo "\n"; echo colorfulString("Demo:\n", 'WARNING'); echo " php ./build_phpunit_test_tpl.php ./Demo.php Demo > Demo_Test.php\n"; echo "\n"; echo colorfulString("Tips:\n", 'WARNING'); echo " This will output the code directly, you can save them to test file like with _Test.php suffix.\n"; echo "\n"; die(); } $filePath = $argv[1]; $className = $argv[2]; $bootstrap = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : null; $author = isset($argv[4]) ? $argv[4] : 'dogstar'; if (!empty($bootstrap)) { require $bootstrap; } require $filePath; if (!class_exists($className)) { echo colorfulString("Error: cannot find class($className). \n\n", 'FAILURE'); die(); } $reflector = new ReflectionClass($className); $methods = $reflector->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); $objName = lcfirst(str_replace('_', '', $className)); /** ------------------- 生成通用的单元测试代码 ------------------ **/ $code = "isPublic()) { if (is_callable(array($className, 'getInstance'))) { $initWay = "$className::getInstance()"; } else if(is_callable(array($className, 'newInstance'))) { $initWay = "$className::newInstance()"; } else { $initWay = 'NULL'; } } } $code .= " if (!class_exists('$className')) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/$filePath'; } class PhpUnderControl_" . str_replace('_', '', $className) . "_Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public \$$objName; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); \$this->$objName = $initWay; } protected function tearDown() { } "; foreach ($methods as $method) { if($method->class != $className) continue; $fun = $method->name; $Fun = ucfirst($fun); if (strlen($Fun) > 2 && substr($Fun, 0, 2) == '__') continue; $rMethod = new ReflectionMethod($className, $method->name); $params = $rMethod->getParameters(); $isStatic = $rMethod->isStatic(); $isConstructor = $rMethod->isConstructor(); if($isConstructor) continue; $initParamStr = ''; $callParamStr = ''; foreach ($params as $param) { $default = ''; $rp = new ReflectionParameter(array($className, $fun), $param->name); if ($rp->isOptional()) { $default = $rp->getDefaultValue(); } if (is_string($default)) { $default = "'$default'"; } else if (is_array($default)) { $default = var_export($default, true); } else if (is_bool($default)) { $default = $default ? 'true' : 'false'; } else if ($default === null) { $default = 'null'; } else { $default = "''"; } $initParamStr .= " \$" . $param->name . " = $default;"; $callParamStr .= '$' . $param->name . ', '; } $callParamStr = empty($callParamStr) ? $callParamStr : substr($callParamStr, 0, -2); /** ------------------- 根据@return对结果类型的简单断言 ------------------ **/ $returnAssert = ''; $docComment = $rMethod->getDocComment(); $docCommentArr = explode("\n", $docComment); foreach ($docCommentArr as $comment) { if (strpos($comment, '@return') == false) { continue; } $returnCommentArr = explode(' ', strrchr($comment, '@return')); if (count($returnCommentArr) >= 2) { switch (strtolower($returnCommentArr[1])) { case 'bool': case 'boolean': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_bool($rs));'; break; case 'int': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_int($rs));'; break; case 'integer': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_integer($rs));'; break; case 'string': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_string($rs));'; break; case 'object': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_object($rs));'; break; case 'array': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_array($rs));'; break; case 'float': $returnAssert = '$this->assertTrue(is_float($rs));'; break; } break; } } /** ------------------- 基本的单元测试代码生成 ------------------ **/ $code .= " /** * @group test$Fun */ public function test$Fun() {" . (empty($initParamStr) ? '' : "$initParamStr\n") . "\n " . ($isStatic ? "\$rs = $className::$fun($callParamStr);" : "\$rs = \$this->$objName->$fun($callParamStr);") . (empty($returnAssert) ? '' : "\n\n " . $returnAssert . "\n") . " } "; /** ------------------- 根据@testcase 生成测试代码 ------------------ **/ $caseNum = 0; foreach ($docCommentArr as $comment) { if (strpos($comment, '@testcase') == false) { continue; } $returnCommentArr = explode(' ', strrchr($comment, '@testcase')); if (count($returnCommentArr) > 1) { $expRs = $returnCommentArr[1]; //去掉@testcase和期望的结果 array_shift($returnCommentArr); array_shift($returnCommentArr); $callParamStrInCase = !empty($returnCommentArr) ? implode(' ', $returnCommentArr) : ''; $code .= " /** * @group test$Fun */ public function test{$Fun}Case{$caseNum}() {" . "\n " . ($isStatic ? "\$rs = $className::$fun($callParamStrInCase);" : "\$rs = \$this->$objName->$fun($callParamStrInCase);") . "\n\n \$this->assertEquals({$expRs}, \$rs);" . " } "; $caseNum ++; } } } $code .= " }"; echo $code; echo "\n"; function colorfulString($text, $type = NULL) { $colors = array( 'WARNING' => '1;33', 'NOTE' => '1;36', 'SUCCESS' => '1;32', 'FAILURE' => '1;35', ); if (empty($type) || !isset($colors[$type])){ return $text; } return "\033[" . $colors[$type] . "m" . $text . "\033[0m"; }