v1.1.6 - 2014-06-05 * Turkish translation thanks for M. Yılmaz SÜSLÜ * 2d index support * Compatible with php_mongo 1.4.x & 1.5.x * Compatible with PHP 5.5.x * Add URI, E-mail, Picture URLs field value recognition * Open log_query feature, can log your query to file, execute them later * Add docs_render option:http://rockmongo.com/wiki/configuration?lang=en_us#%23%23%23%23docs_render%0D * Bug Fix: array display as object * Bug Fix: update array or object field * View microtime as date string * Add "Query Examples" link under query box * Support empty object * Support unix domain sockets * Fix $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] under nginx cgi * Fixed cookie vulnerability as reported in CVE-2013-5107 (thanks for synthomat) v1.1.5 - 2012-12-20 * Fix authenticate with php_mongo >= 1.3.0 v1.1.4 - 2012-12-01 * Make compatible with php_mongo 1.3.0 * Support composite _id * Fix gridfs downloads and view chunks issue * Fix h() function error * Fix Slave link on topbar * Fix User auth error (after you remove some servers) * Fix issue when query with numberic field v1.1.3 - 2012-11-07 * Fix UTF-8 characters display issue(PHP 5.4.x) * Add portuguese (Portugal) translation, by Luis Romao v1.1.2 - 2012-05-07 * Italian translation, thanks to Andrea Cardinale * NumberInt, NumberLong v1.1.1 - 2012-05-04 * Russian translation, thanks to Станислав Воробьёв * Fix host switch bug * Fix date_default_timezone_get() warning * new French translation * improve importing and exporting * Fix broken on sharding collections * add $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_options"] option, see http://rockmongo.com/wiki/configuration?lang=en_us#%23%23%23%23+mongo_options%0D * fix mongo_timeout issue * JSON format importing v1.1.0(beta) - 2011-04-17 * Upgrade Notice * from 1.0.x to v1.1.0: if you will not use new features, just overwrite files, excluding config.php, that's all; Or you should re-configure the system * *Implement basic theme feature* * *[configuration New Configurations]* * *[plugin Implement Plug-in feature:Filters, Events and Plug-in controllers]* * Load language packages automatically * Choose language after log-in on the top bar * Automatic language proposition based on browser settings * Fix a display bug on IE9 * Change timezone from default to UTC * Represent date using ISODate() * Add confirmation to "Apply to all" buttons * Change all of float_value options to double_value * Fix db[`_`name] bug, now your collection name's prefix can be "`_`" * Fix empty collection issue * Support numberic `_`id string v1.0.12 - 2011-03-08 * Fix date format in tooltip * Fix MongoCursor->fields() undefined error * Convert unicode in json to utf-8 when editing * Edit installation construction * Add Chinese tranditional translation * Fixed features for capped collection * Fix slashes bug when magic_quotes_gpc is on in php.ini * Fix bug: field "0" can not be updated or removed * Remember data format when query * Add "Logout" link when no servers can be connected * Fix records count in left bar when no data in the collection v1.0.11 - 2011-01-09 * Add true, false and null to allowed PHP codes in saving data * Highlight current collection in left menu when it reload * Support JSON format in inserting and updating * Added feature to show only user-defined set of databases (to avoid costly listDBs call) * Add mongoint32, mongoint64 to allowed tokens in PHP array * Spanish and German translation * Fix token_get_all undefined issue * Add panels layout (thank Borda Juan Ignacio) * Fix NULL field updating bug * When host is unable to connect, you can choose another host v1.0.10 - 2010-11-16 * Added docblock comments to translation files, updated brazilian translation, updated english translation, created additional localization variables (contato) * Convert \uxxxx in JSON to UTF-8 chars * Fix display bug on Opera * Choose SESSION lifetime in sign in form * Refresh records count in a collection when click collection name on left bar * Allow float number in query criteria * Prompt error message when insert/update fail * Add auth_enabled option to disable authentication, see FAQ for details * Fix field selection bug when it's in an array list v1.0.9 - 2010-10-26 * replace eval() with safer VarEval class * fix records sorting bug * support query in json format * support tab key in textarea * fix explain query * collections can be exported as a .gz file * add brazilian and french translation * query history: in config.php set the feature to on v1.0.8 - 2010-09-14 * Make operations on single field more easily, now you can update, rename, remove, clear (set to null), query, create indexes on a field, just click field name in record to get surprise * Add new field to a record or to whole collection * Autocomplete field in index creation * Add go "TOP" link * Refresh single record without whole page reloading * Add a simple menu to number, let you view number as bytes or a date time * Shorten long text, and then you click "..." to see full text v1.0.7.r87 - 2010-09-05 * fix hints bug * some slight GUI changes v1.0.7 - 2010-09-04 * Add more collection statistics with command {top:1} * Add full processlist, connections is included * Expend and collapse single record * Now you can specify query result fields and hints in query * GridFS is supported, you can view chunks and download the full file * Some slight improvements * Change font size from 11px to 12px * Use a few icons * Keep record operations always displayed v1.0.6 - 2010-08-29 * improved GUI * I18N, English, chinese and japanese is supported * More replication information * connection to mongos is supported v1.0.5 - 2010-8-20 * NOTICE:move configurations from index.php to config.php * drop all collections in a db * clear all collections in a db * make _id index un-dropable * collection property modification (capped, max, size ...) * rename collection * data transfer: transfer collections to other servers * export and import collections (JSON data format) * Master/Slave information v1.0.4.r39 - 2010-08-12 * fix pagination problem * check unauthorized exception * fix issue when use double quotes in query v1.0.4.r37 - 2010-08-04 * fix bugs when using non-standard _id v1.0.4.r34 * change frameset to iframe * switch hosts without re-login * add manual links * processlist * fix bugs v1.0.3.r24 * database profiling * database user management * fix jQuery path error in some cases * fix object data representation in JSON and PHP format * server command line * validate collection * repair database * explain query v1.0.2 - 2010-07-17 * server statistics, databases * execute command and code * database statistics and drop * a better GUI * remove some unused php files v1.0.1 - 2010-07-15 * switch PHP Array and JSON data format * choose record size per page * switch data to text in textarea, so we can copy it easily v1.0 - 2010-07-13 * basic version