* @version 1.1 */ $message["TRANSLATION_NAME"] = "English"; $message["TRANSLATION_ID"] = 1; /** Login interface **/ $message["admin"] = "Admin"; $message["password"] = "Password"; $message["language"] = "Language"; $message["hour"] = "Hour"; $message["hours"] = "Hours"; $message["month"] = "Month"; $message["alive"] = "Alive"; $message["authenticate"] = "Authenticate"; /** Connection **/ $message["can_not_connect"] = "MongoDB connection exception: %s. Please check your configuration."; $message["can_not_auth"] = "MongoDB authenticate failed. Please check your username and password from your mongo administrator."; /** Buttons and titles **/ $message["default"] = "Default"; $message["overview"] = "Overview"; $message["server"] = "Server"; $message["status"] = "Status"; $message["databases"] = "Databases"; $message["processlist"] = "Processlist"; $message["command"] = "Command"; $message["execute"] = "Execute"; $message["master"] = "Master"; $message["masters"] = "Masters"; $message["slave"] = "Slave"; $message["slaves"] = "Slaves"; $message["master_slave"] = "Master/Slave"; $message["query"] = "Query"; $message["refresh"] = "Refresh"; $message["insert"] = "Insert"; $message["add"] = "Add"; $message["clear"] = "Clear"; $message["delete"] = "Delete"; $message["remove"] = "Remove"; $message["argument"] = "Argument"; $message["update"] = "Update"; $message["duplicate"] = "Duplicate"; $message["text"] = "Text"; $message["yes"] = "Yes"; $message["no"] = "No"; $message["statistics"] = "Statistics"; $message["export"] = "Export"; $message["import"] = "Import"; $message["transfer"] = "Transfer"; $message["sock"] = "Socket"; $message["drop"] = "Drop"; $message["more"] = "More"; $message["rename"] = "Rename"; $message["indexes"] = "Indexes"; $message["properties"] = "Properties"; $message["validate"] = "Validate"; $message["repair"] = "Repair"; $message["all"] = "All"; $message["authentication"] = "Authentication"; $message["profile"] = "Profile"; $message["create_collection"] = "New Collection"; $message["create_collection_full"] = "Create new Collection"; $message["create_database"] = "Create new Database"; $message["save"] = "Save"; $message["back"] = "Back"; $message["server_status"] = "Server Status"; $message["command_line"] = "Command Line"; $message["connection"] = "Connection"; $message["web"] = "Web"; $message["directives"] = "Directives"; $message["directive"] = "Directive"; $message["global_value"] = "Global Value"; $message["local_value"] = "Local Value"; $message["build_info"] = "Build Information"; $message["kill"] = "Kill"; $message["killop"] = "Are you sure to kill the op"; $message["killoperation"] = "Kill Operation"; $message["create"] = "Create"; $message["name"] = "Name"; $message["newname"] = "New Name"; $message["oldname"] = "Old Name"; $message["iscapped"] = "Is Capped"; $message["size"] = "Size"; $message["max"] = "Max"; $message["modifyrow"] = "Modify Row"; $message["data"] = "Data"; $message["validarray"] = "Data must be a valid PHP array, just like:"; $message["responseserver"] = "Response from server:"; $message["db"] = "DB"; $message["gotodbs"] = "Go to databases"; $message["dropdatabase"] = "Drop Database"; $message["dropwarning"] = "Warning: are you sure you want to drop the database"; $message["dropwarning2"] = "All data in the database will be lost!"; $message["createrow"] = "Create Row"; $message["storagesize"] = "Storage Size"; $message["datasize"] = "Data Size"; $message["indexsize"] = "Index Size"; $message["collections"] = "Collections"; $message["objects"] = "Objects"; $message["repairdbmsg"] = "Are you sure to repair database"; $message["nocollections"] = "There is no collections here, you can not transfer."; $message["nocollections2"] = "No collections yet"; $message["download"] = "Download?"; $message["compressed"] = "Compressed"; $message["rowsexported"] = "rows exported"; $message["createnewcollection"] = "Create new collection in db"; $message["target"] = "Target"; $message["host"] = "Host"; $message["port"] = "Port"; $message["copyindexes"] = "Copy Indexes?"; $message["confirm"] = "Confirm"; $message["fields"] = "Fields"; $message["other_fields"] = "Other Fields"; $message["unique"] = "Unique"; $message["key"] = "Key"; $message["operation"] = "Operation"; $message["removeduplicates"] = "Remove duplicates?"; $message["listdbcommands"] = "List of database commands"; $message["format"] = "Format"; $message["execute_command"] = "Execute Command"; $message["validate"] = "Validate"; $message["dropifexists"] = "Drop if exists?"; $message["warningprops"] = "Notice: To change collection options, we will create a new collection, copy all data from old one, then drop old one. This will spend a long time to complete when you have a large collection."; $message["copycollection"] = "Copy Collection"; $message["to"] = "To"; $message["removeifexists"] = "Remove target if exists?"; $message["selectdb"] = "Select Db"; /** Add user **/ $message["users"] = "Users"; $message["adduser"] = "Add User"; $message["username"] = "UserName"; $message["confirm_pass"] = "Confirm Password"; $message["readonly"] = "Read Only?"; $message["addreplace"] = "Add or Replace"; /** Manual links **/ $message["querying"] = "Querying"; $message["updating"] = "Updating"; $message["commands"] = "Commands"; $message["jsapi"] = "JS API"; $message["phpmongo"] = "PHP Mongo"; /** Replication **/ $message["repstatus"] = "Replication Status"; $message["me"] = "Me"; $message["repair_database"] = "Repair Database"; $message["response_from_server"] = "Response from Server"; $message["dropped_from_database"] = "is dropped from database"; $message["noqueryhistory"] = "No query history yet."; $message["requery"] = "Re-query"; $message["date"] = "Date"; $message["change_level"] = "Change level"; $message["clear_profile"] = "Are you sure to clear profile on db"; $message["choose_profiling_level"] = "Choose current profiling level"; $message["profiling_level1"] = "0 - off"; $message["profiling_level2"] = "1 - log slow operations (>N ms)"; $message["profiling_level3"] = "2 - log all operations"; $message["timecost"] = "Time cost"; /** Collection operations **/ $message["submit_query"] = "Submit Query"; $message["explain"] = "Explain"; $message["clear_conditions"] = "Clear Conditions"; $message["rows_per_page"] = "Rows per Page"; $message["action"] = "Action"; $message["limit"] = "Limit"; $message["new_field"] = "New Field"; /** Index Creation **/ $message["warningindex"] = "Are you sure to drop the index"; $message["createindex"] = "Create normal Index"; $message["create_2d_index"] = "Create 2D Index"; $message["2d_index_location_field"] = "Location Field"; $message["2d_index_min_bound"] = "Min Bound"; $message["2d_index_max_bound"] = "Max Bound"; $message["2d_index_bit_precision"] = "Bit Precision"; /** Top bar **/ $message["tools"] = "Tools"; $message["manuals"] = "Manuals"; $message["logout"] = "Logout"; $message["switch_hosts"] = "Switch Hosts"; /** About **/ $message["about_content"] = 'RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5.

See http://rockmongo.com for more details.

If you have any questions, please send email to me: iwind.liu@gmail.com .


'; /** Login **/ $message["loginandrock"] = "Login and Rock"; $message["changeconfig"] = "You may change your username and password in config.php."; $message["rockmongocredits"] = "Powered by RockMongo v" . (ROCK_MONGO_VERSION) . ", check out new version here.   [Donate 10 dollars]"; ?>