- <?php
- import("classes.BaseController");
- /**
- * collection controller
- *
- * You should always input these parameters:
- * - db
- * - collection
- * to call the actions.
- *
- * @author iwind
- *
- */
- class CollectionController extends BaseController {
- /**
- * DB Name
- *
- * @var string
- */
- public $db;
- /**
- * Collection Name
- *
- * @var string
- */
- public $collection;
- /**
- * DB instance
- *
- * @var MongoDB
- */
- protected $_mongodb;
- public function onBefore() {
- parent::onBefore();
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->_mongodb = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- }
- /**
- * load single record
- *
- */
- public function doRecord() {
- $id = rock_real_id(xn("id"));
- $format = xn("format");
- $queryFields = x("query_fields");
- $fields = array();
- if (!empty($queryFields)) {
- foreach ($queryFields as $queryField) {
- $fields[$queryField] = 1;
- }
- }
- $row = $this->_mongodb->selectCollection($this->collection)->findOne(array( "_id" => $id ), $fields);
- if (empty($row)) {
- $this->_outputJson(array("code" => 300, "message" => "The record has been removed."));
- }
- $exporter = new VarExportor($this->_mongodb, $row);
- $data = $exporter->export($format);
- $html = $this->_highlight($row, $format, true);
- $this->_outputJson(array("code" => 200, "data" => $data, "html" => $html ));
- }
- /**
- * switch format between array and json
- */
- public function doSwitchFormat() {
- $data = xn("data");
- $format = x("format");
- $ret = null;
- if ($format == "json") {//to json
- $eval = new VarEval($data, "array", $this->_mongodb);
- $array = $eval->execute();
- $exportor = new VarExportor($this->_mongodb, $array);
- $ret = json_unicode_to_utf8($exportor->export(MONGO_EXPORT_JSON));
- }
- else if ($format == "array") {//to array
- $eval = new VarEval($data, "json", $this->_mongodb);
- $array = $eval->execute();
- $exportor = new VarExportor($this->_mongodb, $array);
- $ret = $exportor->export(MONGO_EXPORT_PHP);
- }
- $this->_outputJson(array("code" => 200, "data" => $ret));
- }
- /** show one collection **/
- public function doIndex() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- //selected format last time
- $this->last_format = rock_cookie("rock_format", "json");
- //write query to log
- $params = xn();
- if ($this->_logQuery && count($params) > 3) {//not only "action", "db" and "collection"
- $logDir = dirname(__ROOT__) . DS . "logs";
- if (!empty($params["criteria"]) && strlen(trim($params["criteria"], "{} \t\n\r")) > 0) {
- if (is_writable($logDir)) {
- $logFile = $this->_logFile($this->db, $this->collection);
- $fp = null;
- if (!is_file($logFile)) {
- $fp = fopen($logFile, "a+");
- fwrite($fp, '<?php exit("Permission Denied"); ?>' . "\n");
- }
- else {
- $fp = fopen($logFile, "a+");
- }
- fwrite($fp, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n" . var_export($params, true) . "\n================\n");
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- }
- //information
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $info = MCollection::info($db, $this->collection);
- $this->canAddField = !$info["capped"];
- //field and sort
- $fields = xn("field");//order fields
- $orders = xn("order");//order type:asc|desc
- if (empty($fields)) {
- if (!$this->_server->docsNatureOrder()) {
- $fields = array(
- ($info["capped"]) ? "\$natural": "_id", "", "", ""
- );
- }
- else {
- $fields = array();
- }
- $orders = array(
- "desc", "asc", "asc", "asc"
- );
- x("field", $fields);
- x("order", $orders);
- }
- //format
- $format = x("format");
- if (!$format) {
- $format = $this->last_format;
- x("format", $format);
- }
- //remember last format choice
- $this->last_format = $format;
- $this->_rememberFormat($format);
- //read fields from collection
- import("models.MCollection");
- $this->nativeFields = MCollection::fields($db, $this->collection);
- $this->queryFields = x("query_fields");
- if (!is_array($this->queryFields)) {
- $this->queryFields = array();
- }
- $this->indexFields = $db->selectCollection($this->collection)->getIndexInfo();
- $this->recordsCount = $db->selectCollection($this->collection)->count();
- foreach ($this->indexFields as $index => $indexField) {
- $this->indexFields[$index]["keystring"] = $this->_encodeJson($indexField["key"]);
- }
- $this->queryHints = x("query_hints");
- if (!is_array($this->queryHints)) {
- $this->queryHints = array();
- }
- //new obj in modification
- $newobj = trim(xn("newobj"));
- if (!$newobj) {
- if ($format == "array") {
- x("newobj", 'array(
- \'$set\' => array (
- //your attributes
- )
- )');
- }
- else {
- x("newobj", '{
- \'$set\': {
- //your attributes
- }
- }');
- }
- }
- //conditions
- $native = xn("criteria");
- $criteria = $native;
- if (empty($criteria)) {
- $criteria = array();
- if ($format == "array") {
- $native = "array(\n\t\n)";
- }
- else if ($format == "json") {
- $native = '{
- }';
- }
- x("pagesize", 10);
- }
- else {
- $row = null;
- $eval = new VarEval($criteria, $format, $db);
- $row = $eval->execute();
- if (is_object($row)) {
- $row = get_object_vars($row);
- }
- if (!is_array($row)) {
- $this->message = "Criteria must be a valid " . (($format == "json") ? "JSON object" : "array");
- $this->jsonLink = "#";
- $this->arrayLink = "#";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $criteria = $row;
- }
- //remember criteria in cookie (may be replaced by query history some day)
- //setcookie("criteria_" . $this->db . "__" . $this->collection . "__" . $format, $native, time() + );
- x("criteria", $native);
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $query->cond($criteria);
- //sort
- $realOrderedFields = array();
- $realOrderedOrders = array();
- foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
- if (!empty($field)) {
- $realOrderedFields[] = $field;
- if ($orders[$index] == "asc") {
- $realOrderedOrders[] = "asc";
- $query->asc($field);
- }
- else {
- $realOrderedOrders[] = "desc";
- $query->desc($field);
- }
- }
- }
- x("field", $realOrderedFields);
- x("order", $realOrderedOrders);
- //command
- $command = x("command");
- if (!$command) {
- $command = "findAll";
- x("command", $command);
- }
- $limit = xi("limit");
- if ($limit > 0) {
- $query->limit($limit);
- }
- $count = ($limit > 0 && $command == "findAll") ? $query->count(true) : $query->count();
- switch ($command) {
- case "findAll":
- if (!empty($this->queryFields)) {
- $query->result($this->queryFields);
- }
- if (!empty($this->queryHints)) {
- foreach ($this->indexFields as $index) {
- if (in_array($index["name"], $this->queryHints)) {
- $query->hint($index["key"]);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "remove":
- $microtime = microtime(true);
- $query->delete();
- $this->cost = microtime(true) - $microtime;
- break;
- case "modify":
- $microtime = microtime(true);
- $row = null;
- $newobj = xn("newobj");
- $eval = new VarEval($newobj, $format, $db);
- $row = $eval->execute();
- if (is_array($row)) {
- $query->upsert($row);
- }
- $this->cost = microtime(true) - $microtime;
- break;
- }
- //construct links
- if ($format == "json") {
- $params = xn();
- unset($params["newobj"]);
- $exportor = new VarExportor($db, $criteria);
- $params["format"] = "array";
- $params["criteria"] = $exportor->export();
- $this->arrayLink = $this->path($this->action(), $params);
- $params = xn();
- unset($params["newobj"]);
- $params["format"] = "json";
- $this->jsonLink = $this->path($this->action(), $params);
- }
- else if ($format == "array") {
- $params = xn();
- unset($params["newobj"]);
- $params["format"] = "array";
- $this->arrayLink = $this->path($this->action(), $params);
- $params = xn();
- unset($params["newobj"]);
- $params["format"] = "json";
- if (empty($criteria)) {
- $params["criteria"] = "{\n \n}";
- }
- else {
- $exportor = new VarExportor($db, $criteria);
- $params["criteria"] = $exportor->export(MONGO_EXPORT_JSON);
- }
- $this->jsonLink = $this->path($this->action(), $params);
- }
- if ($command != "findAll") {
- $this->count = $count;
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //pagination
- $pagesize = xi("pagesize");
- if ($pagesize < 1) {
- $pagesize = 10;
- }
- import("lib.page.RPageStyle1");
- $page = new RPageStyle1();
- $page->setTotal($count);
- $page->setSize($pagesize);
- $page->setAutoQuery();
- $this->page = $page;
- $query->offset($page->offset());
- if ($limit > 0) {
- $query->limit(min($limit, $page->size()));
- }
- else {
- $query->limit($page->size());
- }
- $microtime = microtime(true);
- $this->rows = $query->findAll(true);
- $this->cost = microtime(true) - $microtime;
- foreach ($this->rows as $index => $row) {
- $native = $row;
- $exportor = new VarExportor($query->db(), $native);
- $row["text"] = $exportor->export($format);
- $row["data"] = $this->_highlight($native, $format, true);
- $row["can_delete"] = (isset($row["_id"]) && !$info["capped"]);
- $row["can_modify"] = isset($row["_id"]);
- $row["can_duplicate"] = isset($row["_id"]);
- $row["can_add_field"] = (isset($row["_id"]) && !$info["capped"]);
- $row["can_refresh"] = isset($row["_id"]);
- $this->rows[$index] = $row;
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /**
- * output query history
- *
- */
- public function doQueryHistory() {
- ob_clean();
- $logs = array();
- $criterias = array();
- $this->error = null;
- if ($this->_logQuery) {
- $logFile = $this->_logFile(xn("db"), xn("collection"));
- $this->logs = array();
- if (is_file($logFile)) {
- $size = 10240;
- $fp = fopen($logFile, "r");
- fseek($fp, -$size, SEEK_END);
- $text = fread($fp, $size);
- fclose($fp);
- preg_match_all("/(\\d+\\-\\d+\\-\\d+\\s+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+)\n(.+)(={10,})/sU", $text, $match);
- foreach ($match[1] as $k => $time) {
- $eval = new VarEval($match[2][$k]);
- $params = $eval->execute();
- if (!in_array($params["criteria"], $criterias)) {
- $logs[] = array(
- "time" => $time,
- "params" => $params,
- "query" => http_build_query($params)
- );
- $criterias[] = $params["criteria"];
- }
- }
- if (!is_writeable($logFile)) {
- $this->error = "To use log_query feature, please make file '{$logFile}' writeable.";
- }
- }
- else {
- $dirname = dirname($logFile);
- if (!is_writeable($dirname)) {
- $this->error = "To use log_query feature, please make directory '{$dirname}' writeable.";
- }
- }
- }
- $this->logs = array_slice(array_reverse($logs), 0, 10);
- $this->display();
- exit();
- }
- /**
- * Clear query history
- */
- public function doClearQueryHistory() {
- if ($this->_logQuery) {
- $logFile = $this->_logFile(xn("db"), xn("collection"));
- if (is_file($logFile)) {
- if (@unlink($logFile)) {
- $this->_outputJson(array(
- "code" => 200
- ));
- }
- else {
- $this->_outputJson(array(
- "code" => 501
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- $this->_outputJson(array(
- "code" => 200
- ));
- }
- /** explain query **/
- public function doExplainQuery() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- //field and sort
- $fields = xn("field");
- $orders = xn("order");
- $format = xn("format");
- if (empty($fields)) {
- $fields = array(
- "_id", "", "", ""
- );
- $orders = array(
- "desc", "asc", "asc", "asc"
- );
- x("field", $fields);
- x("order", $orders);
- }
- //conditions
- $native = xn("criteria");
- $criteria = $native;
- if (empty($criteria)) {
- $criteria = array();
- $native = "array(\n\t\n)";
- }
- else {
- $row = null;
- $eval = new VarEval($criteria, $format, $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db));
- $row = $eval->execute();
- if (!is_array($row)) {
- $this->error = "To explain a query, criteria must be an array.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $criteria = $row;
- }
- x("criteria", $native);
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $query->cond($criteria);
- //sort
- foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
- if (!empty($field)) {
- if ($orders[$index] == "asc") {
- $query->asc($field);
- }
- else {
- $query->desc($field);
- }
- }
- }
- //command
- $command = x("command");
- if (!$command) {
- $command = "findAll";
- x("command", $command);
- }
- $queryHints = x("query_hints");
- if (!empty($queryHints)) {
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $indexes = $db->selectCollection($this->collection)->getIndexInfo();
- foreach ($indexes as $index) {
- if (in_array($index["name"], $queryHints)) {
- $query->hint($index["key"]);
- }
- }
- }
- $cursor = $query->cursor();
- $this->ret = $this->_highlight($cursor->explain(), "json");
- $this->display();
- }
- /** delete on row **/
- public function doDeleteRow() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $ret = $query->id(rock_real_id(x("id")))->delete();
- $this->redirectUrl(xn("uri"), true);
- }
- /** create row **/
- public function doCreateRow() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $id = rock_real_id(x("id"));
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- //selected format last time
- $this->last_format = rock_cookie("rock_format", "json");
- //if is duplicating ...
- if (!$this->isPost() && $id) {
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $row = $query->id($id)->findOne();
- if (!empty($row)) {
- unset($row["_id"]);
- import("classes.VarExportor");
- $export = new VarExportor($query->db(), $row);
- x("data", $export->export($this->last_format));
- }
- }
- //initialize
- if (!$this->isPost() && !x("data")) {
- x("data", ($this->last_format == "json") ? "{\n\t\n}" : "array(\n\n)");
- }
- //try to deal with data
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $format = x("format");
- $count = xi("count");
- $this->last_format = $format;
- $data = xn("data");
- $data = str_replace(array(
- "%{created_at}"
- ), time(), $data);
- $row = null;
- $eval = new VarEval($data, $format, $this->_mongo->selectDb($this->db));
- $row = $eval->execute();
- if ($row === false || !is_array($row)) {
- $this->error = "Data must be a valid {$format}.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- try {
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
- $query->insert($row);
- unset($row['_id']);
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error = $e->getMessage();
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //remember format choice
- $this->_rememberFormat($format);
- $this->redirect("collection.index", array(
- "db" => $this->db,
- "collection" => $this->collection
- ), true);
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** modify one row **/
- public function doModifyRow() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $id = rock_real_id(xn("id"));
- //selected format last time
- $this->last_format = rock_cookie("rock_format", "json");
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $this->row = $query->id($id)->findOne();
- if (empty($this->row)) {
- $this->error = "Record is not found.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $this->data = $this->row;
- unset($this->data["_id"]);
- import("classes.VarExportor");
- $export = new VarExportor($query->db(), $this->data);
- $this->data = $export->export($this->last_format);
- if ($this->last_format == "json") {
- $this->data = json_unicode_to_utf8($this->data);
- }
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $this->data = xn("data");
- $format = x("format");
- $this->last_format = $format;
- $row = null;
- $eval = new VarEval($this->data, $format, $this->_mongo->selectDb($this->db));
- $row = $eval->execute();
- if ($row === false || !is_array($row)) {
- $this->error = "Only valid {$format} is accepted.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $obj = $query->id($this->row["_id"])->find();
- $oldAttrs = $obj->attrs();
- $obj->setAttrs($row);
- foreach ($oldAttrs as $oldAttr => $oldValue) {
- if ($oldAttr == "_id") {
- continue;
- }
- if (!array_key_exists($oldAttr, $row)) {
- $obj->remove($oldAttr);
- }
- }
- try {
- $obj->save();
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error = $e->getMessage();
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //remember format choice
- $this->_rememberFormat($format);
- $this->message = "Updated successfully.";
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** download file in GridFS **/
- public function doDownloadFile() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->id = xn("id");
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $prefix = substr($this->collection, 0, strrpos($this->collection, "."));
- $file = $db->getGridFS($prefix)->findOne(array("_id" => rock_real_id($this->id)));
- $fileinfo = pathinfo($file->getFilename());
- $extension = strtolower($fileinfo["extension"]);
- import("lib.mime.types", false);
- ob_end_clean();
- if (isset($GLOBALS["mime_types"][$extension])) {
- header("Content-Type:" . $GLOBALS["mime_types"][$extension]);
- }
- else {
- header("Content-Type:text/plain");
- }
- header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileinfo["basename"]);
- header("Content-Length:" . $file->getSize());
- echo $file->getBytes();
- exit;
- }
- /** clear rows in collection **/
- public function doClearRows() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- import("lib.mongo.RQuery");
- $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, $this->collection);
- $query->delete();
- echo '<script language="javascript">
- window.parent.frames["left"].location.reload();
- </script>';
- $this->redirect("collection.index", array(
- "db" => $this->db,
- "collection" => $this->collection
- ), true);
- }
- /** drop collection **/
- public function doRemoveCollection() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $db->dropCollection($this->collection);
- $this->display();
- }
- /** list collection indexes **/
- public function doCollectionIndexes() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $collection = $this->_mongo->selectCollection($this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db), $this->collection);
- $this->indexes = $collection->getIndexInfo();
- foreach ($this->indexes as $_index => $index) {
- $index["data"] = $this->_highlight($index["key"], "json");
- $this->indexes[$_index] = $index;
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** drop a collection index **/
- public function doDeleteIndex() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $collection = $this->_mongo->selectCollection($db, $this->collection);
- $indexes = $collection->getIndexInfo();
- foreach ($indexes as $index) {
- if ($index["name"] == trim(xn("index"))) {
- $ret = $db->command(array("deleteIndexes" => $collection->getName(), "index" => $index["name"]));
- break;
- }
- }
- $this->redirect("collection.collectionIndexes", array(
- "db" => $this->db,
- "collection" => $this->collection
- ));
- }
- /** create a collection index **/
- public function doCreateIndex() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->nativeFields = MCollection::fields($this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db), $this->collection);
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $collection = $this->_mongo->selectCollection($db, $this->collection);
- $fields = xn("field");
- if (!is_array($fields)) {
- $this->message = "Index contains one field at least.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $orders = xn("order");
- $attrs = array();
- foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
- $field = trim($field);
- if (!empty($field)) {
- $attrs[$field] = ($orders[$index] == "asc") ? 1 : -1;
- }
- }
- if (empty($attrs)) {
- $this->message = "Index contains one field at least.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //if is unique
- $options = array();
- if (x("is_unique")) {
- $options["unique"] = 1;
- if (x("drop_duplicate")) {
- $options["dropDups"] = 1;
- }
- }
- $options["background"] = 1;
- $options["safe"] = 1;
- //name
- $name = trim(xn("name"));
- if (!empty($name)) {
- $options["name"] = $name;
- }
- $collection->ensureIndex($attrs, $options);
- $this->redirect("collection.collectionIndexes", array(
- "db" => $this->db,
- "collection" => $this->collection
- ));
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** create a collection index **/
- public function doCreate2DIndex() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->nativeFields = MCollection::fields($this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db), $this->collection);
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $collection = $this->_mongo->selectCollection($db, $this->collection);
- $attrs = array();
- //Location Field
- $locationField = trim(xn("location_field"));
- $attrs[$locationField] = "2d";
- //Other Fields
- $fields = xn("field");
- if (!is_array($fields)) {
- $this->message = "Index contains one field at least.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $orders = xn("order");
- foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
- $field = trim($field);
- if (!empty($field)) {
- $attrs[$field] = ($orders[$index] == "asc") ? 1 : -1;
- }
- }
- if (empty($attrs)) {
- $this->message = "Index contains one field at least.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //Options
- $options = array();
- $minBound = x("min_bound");
- if (is_numeric($minBound)) {
- $minBound = floatval($minBound);
- $options["min"] = $minBound;
- }
- $maxBound = x("max_bound");
- if (is_numeric($maxBound)) {
- $maxBound = floatval($maxBound);
- $options["max"] = $maxBound;
- }
- $bits = x("bits");
- if (is_numeric($bits)) {
- $bits = intval($bits);
- $options["bits"] = $bits;
- }
- //name
- $name = trim(xn("name"));
- if (!empty($name)) {
- $options["name"] = $name;
- }
- $collection->ensureIndex($attrs, $options);
- $this->redirect("collection.collectionIndexes", array(
- "db" => $this->db,
- "collection" => $this->collection
- ));
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** collection statistics **/
- public function doCollectionStats() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->stats = array();
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $ret = $db->command(array( "collStats" => $this->collection ));
- if ($ret["ok"]) {
- $this->stats = $ret;
- foreach ($this->stats as $index => $stat) {
- if (is_array($stat) || is_bool($stat)) {
- $this->stats[$index] = $this->_highlight($stat, "json");
- }
- }
- }
- //top
- $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB("admin")->command(array( "top" => 1 ));
- $this->top = array();
- $namespace = $this->db . "." . $this->collection;
- if ($ret["ok"] && !empty($ret["totals"][$namespace])) {
- $this->top = $ret["totals"][$namespace];
- foreach ($this->top as $index => $value) {
- $this->top[$index] = $value["count"];
- }
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** validate collection **/
- public function doCollectionValidate() {
- $this->db = x("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- $this->ret = $this->_highlight($db->selectCollection($this->collection)->validate(), "json");
- $this->display();
- }
- /** rename collection **/
- public function doCollectionRename() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $this->realName = $this->collection;
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $oldname = trim(xn("oldname"));
- $newname = trim(xn("newname"));
- $removeExists = trim(xn("remove_exists"));
- if ($newname === "") {
- $this->error = "Please enter a new name.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- if (!$removeExists) {
- //Is there a same name?
- $collections = MDb::listCollections($this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db));
- foreach ($collections as $collection) {
- if ($collection->getName() == $newname) {
- $this->error = "There is already a '{$newname}' collection, you should drop it before renaming.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db)->execute('function (coll, newname, dropExists) { db.getCollection(coll).renameCollection(newname, dropExists);}', array( $oldname, $newname, (bool)$removeExists ));
- if ($this->ret["ok"]) {
- $this->realName = $newname;
- $this->message = "Operation success. <a href=\"?action=collection.index&db={$this->db}&collection={$newname}\">[GO »]</a>";
- }
- else {
- $this->error = "Operation failure";
- }
- $this->ret_json = $this->_highlight($this->ret, "json");
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** collection properties **/
- public function doCollectionProps() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db)->selectCollection("system.namespaces")->findOne(array(
- "name" => $this->db . "." . $this->collection
- ));
- $this->isCapped = 0;
- $this->size = 0;
- $this->max = 0;
- if (isset($ret["options"]["capped"])) {
- $this->isCapped = $ret["options"]["capped"];
- }
- if (isset($ret["options"]["size"])) {
- $this->size = $ret["options"]["size"];
- }
- if (isset($ret["options"]["max"])) {
- $this->max = $ret["options"]["max"];
- }
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $this->isCapped = xi("is_capped");
- $this->size = xi("size");
- $this->max = xi("max");
- //rename current collection
- $bkCollection = $this->collection . "_rockmongo_bk_" . uniqid();
- $this->ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db)->execute('function (coll, newname, dropExists) { db.getCollection(coll).renameCollection(newname, dropExists);}', array( $this->collection, $bkCollection, true ));
- if (!$this->ret["ok"]) {
- $this->error = "There is something wrong:<font color=\"red\">{$this->ret['errmsg']}</font>, please refresh the page to try again.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //create new collection
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- MCollection::createCollection($db, $this->collection, array(
- "capped" => $this->isCapped,
- "size" => $this->size,
- "max" => $this->max
- ));
- //copy data to new collection
- if (!$this->_copyCollection($db, $bkCollection, $this->collection, true)) {
- //try to recover
- $this->ret = $db->execute('function (coll, newname, dropExists) { db.getCollection(coll).renameCollection(newname, dropExists);}', array( $bkCollection, $this->collection, true ));
- $this->error = "There is something wrong:<font color=\"red\">{$ret['errmsg']}</font>, please refresh the page to try again.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- //drop current collection
- $db->dropCollection($bkCollection);
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** duplicate collection **/
- public function doCollectionDuplicate() {
- $this->db = xn("db");
- $this->collection = xn("collection");
- if (!$this->isPost()) {
- x("target", $this->collection . "_copy");
- x("remove_target", 1);
- x("copy_indexes", 1);
- }
- if ($this->isPost()) {
- $target = trim(xn("target"));
- $removeTarget = x("remove_target");
- $copyIndexes = x("copy_indexes");
- if ($target === "") {
- $this->error = "Please enter a valid target.";
- $this->display();
- return;
- }
- $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
- if ($removeTarget) {
- $db->selectCollection($target)->drop();
- }
- $this->_copyCollection($db, $this->collection, $target, $copyIndexes);
- $this->message = "Collection duplicated successfully.";
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- /** transfer a collection **/
- public function doCollectionTransfer() {
- $this->redirect("db.dbTransfer", array(
- "db" => xn("db"),
- "collection" => xn("collection")
- ));
- }
- /** export a collection **/
- public function doCollectionExport() {
- $this->redirect("db.dbExport", array( "db" => xn("db"), "collection" => xn("collection"), "can_download" => xn("can_download") ));
- }
- /** import a collection **/
- public function doCollectionImport() {
- $this->redirect("db.dbImport", array( "db" => xn("db") ));
- }
- }
- ?>