- <?php
- /**
- * Render html tag beginning
- *
- * @param string $name tag name
- * @param array $attrs tag attributes
- */
- function render_begin_tag($name, array $attrs = array()) {
- $tag = "<{$name}";
- foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
- $tag .= " {$key}=\"{$value}\"";
- }
- $tag .= ">";
- echo $tag;
- }
- /**
- * Render select element
- *
- * @param string $name select name
- * @param array $options data options
- */
- function render_select($name, array $options, $selectedIndex, array $attrs = array()) {
- $attrs["name"] = $name;
- render_begin_tag("select", $attrs);
- $select = "";
- foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
- $select .= "<option value=\"{$key}\"";
- if ($key == $selectedIndex) {
- $select .= " selected=\"selected\"";
- }
- $select .= ">" . $value . "</option>";
- }
- $select .= "</select>";
- echo $select;
- }
- /**
- * Construct a url from action and it's parameters
- *
- * @param string $action action name
- * @param array $params parameters
- * @return string
- */
- function url($action, array $params = array()) {
- unset($params["action"]);
- if (!strstr($action, ".")) {
- $action = __CONTROLLER__ . "." . $action;
- }
- $url = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=" . $action;
- if (!empty($params)) {
- $url .= "&" . http_build_query($params);
- }
- return $url;
- }
- /**
- * Render navigation
- *
- * @param string $db database name
- * @param string|null $collection collection name
- * @param boolean $extend if extend the parameters
- */
- function render_navigation($db, $collection = null, $extend = true) {
- $dbpath = url("db.index", array("db" => $db));
- $navigation = '<a href="' . url("server.databases") . '"><img src="' . rock_theme_path() . '/images/world.png" width="14" align="absmiddle"/> ' . rock_lang("databases") . '</a> » <a href="' .$dbpath . '"><img src="' . rock_theme_path() . '/images/database.png" width="14" align="absmiddle"/> ' . $db . "</a>";
- if(!is_null($collection)) {
- $navigation .= " » <a href=\"" . url("collection.index", $extend ? xn() : array( "db" => $db, "collection" => $collection )) . "\">";
- $navigation .= '<img src="' . rock_theme_path() . '/images/' . r_get_collection_icon($collection) . '.png" width="14" align="absmiddle"/> ';
- $navigation .= $collection . "</a>";
- }
- echo $navigation;
- }
- /**
- * Render quick links on top-bar
- *
- */
- function render_manual_items() {
- $items = array(
- '<a href="http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operators/" target="_blank">' . rock_lang("querying") . '</a>',
- '<a href="http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/update/" target="_blank">' . rock_lang("updating") . '</a>',
- '<a href="http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/" target="_blank">' . rock_lang("commands") . '</a>',
- '<a href="http://api.mongodb.org/js/" target="_blank">' . rock_lang("jsapi") . '</a>',
- '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.mongo.php" target="_blank">' . rock_lang("phpmongo") . '</a>'
- );
- //plugins
- if (class_exists("RFilter")) {
- RFilter::apply("MANUAL_MENU_FILTER", $items);
- }
- foreach ($items as $item) {
- echo $item . "<br/>";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Render server operations
- *
- * @param string|null $currentAction current operation action
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_server_menu($currentAction = null) {
- $menuItems = array(
- array( "action" => "server.index", "name" => rock_lang("server")),
- array( "action" => "server.status", "name" => rock_lang("status")),
- array( "action" => "server.databases", "name" => rock_lang("databases")),
- array( "action" => "server.processlist", "name" => rock_lang("processlist")),
- array( "action" => "server.command", "params" => array("db"=>xn("db")), "name" => rock_lang("command")),
- array( "action" => "server.execute", "params" => array("db"=>xn("db")), "name" => rock_lang("execute")),
- array( "action" => "server.replication", "name" => rock_lang("master_slave")),
- );
- //plugin
- if (class_exists("RFilter")) {
- RFilter::apply("SERVER_MENU_FILTER", $menuItems);
- }
- $string = "";
- $count = count($menuItems);
- foreach ($menuItems as $index => $op) {
- $string .= '<a href="' . url($op["action"], isset($op["params"]) ? $op["params"] : array()) . '"';
- if (__CONTROLLER__ . "." . __ACTION__ == $op["action"] || $currentAction == $op["action"]) {
- $string .= ' class="current"';
- }
- foreach ($op as $attrName => $attrValue) {
- if (preg_match("/^attr\\.(\\w+)/", $attrName, $match)) {
- $string .= " " . $match[1] . "=\"" . $attrValue . "\"";
- }
- }
- $string .= ">" . $op["name"] . "</a>";
- if ($index < $count - 1) {
- $string .= " | ";
- }
- }
- echo $string;
- }
- /**
- * Render database operations
- *
- * @param string $dbName database name
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_db_menu($dbName) {
- $menuItems = array(
- array( "action" => "db.index", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("statistics") ),
- array( "action" => "db.newCollection", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("create_collection") ),
- array( "action" => "server.command", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("command") ),
- array( "action" => "server.execute", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("execute") ),
- array( "action" => "db.dbTransfer", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("transfer") ),
- array( "action" => "db.dbExport", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName, "can_download"=>1), "name" => rock_lang("export"), "can_download" => 1 ),
- array( "action" => "db.dbImport", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("import") ),
- array( "action" => "db.profile", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("profile")),
- array( "action" => "db.repairDatabase", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("repair"), "attr.onclick" => "return window.confirm('" . rock_lang("repairdbmsg") . " {$dbName}?');" ),
- array( "action" => "db.auth", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("authentication") ),
- array( "action" => "db.dropDatabase", "params" => array("db"=>$dbName), "name" => rock_lang("drop"), "attr.onclick" => "return window.confirm('" . rock_lang("dropwarning") . " " . $dbName . "? " . rock_lang("dropwarning2") . "');")
- );
- //plugin
- if (class_exists("RFilter")) {
- RFilter::apply("DB_MENU_FILTER", $menuItems, array( "dbName" => $dbName ) );
- }
- $displayCount = 7;
- $hasMore = false;
- $string = "";
- $count = count($menuItems);
- foreach ($menuItems as $index => $op) {
- if ($index >= $displayCount && !$hasMore) {
- $hasMore = true;
- $string .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showMoreMenus(this);return false;\">" . rock_lang("more") . " »</a>";
- $string .= "<div class=\"menu\">";
- }
- if (is_string($op)) {
- if ($op == "-") {
- $string .= "-----------";
- }
- else {
- $string .= $op;
- }
- }
- else if (!empty($op["action"])) {
- $string .= '<a href="' . url($op["action"], isset($op["params"]) ? $op["params"] : array()) . '"';
- if (__CONTROLLER__ . "." . __ACTION__ == $op["action"]) {
- $string .= ' class="current"';
- }
- foreach ($op as $attrName => $attrValue) {
- if (preg_match("/^attr\\.(\\w+)/", $attrName, $match)) {
- $string .= " " . $match[1] . "=\"" . $attrValue . "\"";
- }
- }
- $string .= ">" . $op["name"] . "</a>";
- }
- else {
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "<a href=\"" . $op["url"] . "\" target=\"_blank\">";
- }
- $string .= $op["name"];
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "</a>";
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "<br/>";
- }
- else {
- if ($index < $count - 1) {
- $string .= " | ";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "</div>";
- }
- echo $string;
- }
- /**
- * Render collection operations
- *
- * Menu definition:
- * - array ( "action" => "ACTION", "params" => array( ... ), "name" => "NAME" )
- * - array ( "url" => "http://....", "name" => "NAME" )
- * - - //separator line
- *
- * @param string $dbName database name
- * @param string $collectionName collection name
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_collection_menu($dbName, $collectionName) {
- $params = xn();
- $exportParams = $params;
- $exportParams["can_download"] = 1;
- $menuItems = array(
- array( "action" => "collection.createRow", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("insert") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.clearRows", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("clear"), "attr.onclick" => "return window.confirm('Are you sure to delete all records in collection \\'" . $collectionName . "\\'?');" ),
- array( "action" => "#", "params" => array(), "name" => rock_lang("new_field"), "attr.onclick" => "fieldOpNew();return false;" ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionStats", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("statistics") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionExport", "params" => $exportParams, "name" => rock_lang("export") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionImport", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("import") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionProps", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("properties") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionIndexes", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("indexes") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionRename", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("rename") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionDuplicate", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("duplicate") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionTransfer", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("transfer") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.collectionValidate", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("validate") ),
- array( "action" => "collection.removeCollection", "params" => $params, "name" => rock_lang("drop"), "attr.onclick" => "return window.confirm('Are you sure to drop collection \\'" . $collectionName . "\\'?')" ),
- );
- //plugin
- if (class_exists("RFilter")) {
- RFilter::apply("COLLECTION_MENU_FILTER", $menuItems, array( "dbName" => $dbName, "collectionName" => $collectionName ));
- }
- $displayCount = 6;
- $hasMore = false;
- $string = "";
- $count = count($menuItems);
- foreach ($menuItems as $index => $op) {
- if ($index >= $displayCount && !$hasMore) {
- $hasMore = true;
- $string .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showMoreMenus(this);return false;\">" . rock_lang("more") . " »</a>";
- $string .= "<div class=\"menu\">";
- }
- if (is_string($op)) {
- if ($op == "-") {
- $string .= "-----------";
- }
- else {
- $string .= $op;
- }
- }
- else if (!empty($op["action"])) {
- $string .= '<a href="' . url($op["action"], isset($op["params"]) ? $op["params"] : array()) . '"';
- if (__CONTROLLER__ . "." . __ACTION__ == $op["action"]) {
- $string .= ' class="current"';
- }
- foreach ($op as $attrName => $attrValue) {
- if (preg_match("/^attr\\.(\\w+)/", $attrName, $match)) {
- $string .= " " . $match[1] . "=\"" . $attrValue . "\"";
- }
- }
- $string .= ">" . $op["name"] . "</a>";
- }
- else {
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "<a href=\"" . $op["url"] . "\" target=\"_blank\">";
- }
- $string .= $op["name"];
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "</a>";
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "<br/>";
- }
- else {
- if ($index < $count - 1) {
- $string .= " | ";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "</div>";
- }
- echo $string;
- }
- /**
- * Render document operations
- *
- * @param string $dbName database name
- * @param string $collectionName collection name
- * @param mixed $docId document id
- * @param integer $docIndex document index
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_doc_menu($dbName, $collectionName, $docId, $docIndex) {
- $menuItems = array(
- array ( "action" => "collection.none", "name" => rock_lang("text"), "attr.onclick" => "changeText('{$docIndex}');return false;" ),
- array ( "action" => "collection.none", "name" => "Expand", "attr.id" => "expand_{$docIndex}", "attr.onclick" => "expandText('{$docIndex}');return false;" ),
- );
- //plugin
- if (class_exists("RFilter")) {
- RFilter::apply("DOC_MENU_FILTER", $menuItems, array( "dbName" => $dbName, "collectionName" => $collectionName, "docId" => $docId, "docIndex" => $docIndex ));
- }
- $displayCount = 2;
- $hasMore = false;
- $string = "";
- $count = count($menuItems);
- foreach ($menuItems as $index => $op) {
- if ($index >= $displayCount && !$hasMore) {
- $hasMore = true;
- $string .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showMoreDocMenus(this, {$docIndex});return false;\">" . rock_lang("more") . " »</a>";
- $string .= "<div class=\"doc_menu doc_menu_{$docIndex}\">";
- }
- if (is_string($op)) {
- if ($op == "-") {
- $string .= "-----------";
- }
- else {
- $string .= $op;
- }
- }
- else if (!empty($op["action"])) {
- $string .= '<a href="' . url($op["action"], isset($op["params"]) ? $op["params"] : array()) . '"';
- if (__CONTROLLER__ . "." . __ACTION__ == $op["action"]) {
- $string .= ' class="current"';
- }
- foreach ($op as $attrName => $attrValue) {
- if (preg_match("/^attr\\.(\\w+)/", $attrName, $match)) {
- $string .= " " . $match[1] . "=\"" . $attrValue . "\"";
- }
- }
- $string .= ">" . $op["name"] . "</a>";
- }
- else {
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "<a href=\"" . $op["url"] . "\" target=\"_blank\">";
- }
- $string .= $op["name"];
- if (!empty($op["url"])) {
- $string .= "</a>";
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "<br/>";
- }
- else {
- if ($index < $count - 1) {
- $string .= " | ";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($hasMore) {
- $string .= "</div>";
- }
- echo $string;
- }
- /**
- * Render supported data types
- *
- * @param string $name tag name
- * @param string|null $selected selected type
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_select_data_types($name, $selected = null) {
- $types = array (
- "integer" => "Integer",
- "long" => "Long",
- "double" => "Double",
- "string" => "String",
- "boolean" => "Boolean",
- "null" => "NULL",
- "mixed" => "Mixed"
- );
- render_select($name, $types, $selected);
- }
- /**
- * Render a server list
- *
- * @param string $name tag name
- * @param array $servers server configs
- * @param integer $selectedIndex selected server index
- * @param array $attrs tag attributes
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_server_list($name, $servers, $selectedIndex = 0, array $attrs = array()) {
- $options = array();
- foreach ($servers as $index => $server) {
- $server = new MServer($server);
- $options[$index] = $server->mongoName();
- }
- render_select($name, $options, $selectedIndex, $attrs);
- }
- /**
- * Render server hosts
- *
- * @param string $name tag name
- * @param string|null $selected selected host index
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_select_hosts($name = "host", $selected = null) {
- global $MONGO;
- $hosts = array();
- foreach ($MONGO["servers"] as $config) {
- $server = new MServer($config);
- $hosts[] = $server->mongoName();
- }
- render_select($name, $hosts, $selected, array( "class" => "select_hosts" ));
- }
- /**
- * Render a view file
- *
- * examples:
- * - h_include("header", "title=DocumentTitle")
- * - h_include("footer")
- *
- * @param string $view view file name
- * @param string|array $vars a key-value array or name=iwind&age=18
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_view($view, $vars = null) {
- if (is_string($vars)) {
- parse_str($vars);
- }
- else if (is_array($vars)) {
- extract($vars);
- }
- $view = dirname(__ROOT__) . DS . rock_theme_path() . DS . "views" . DS . str_replace(".", DS, $view) . ".php";
- require $view;
- }
- function render_theme_path() {
- echo rock_theme_path();
- }
- /**
- * Render page header
- *
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_page_header() {
- if (class_exists("REvent")) {
- REvent::dispatch("RENDER_PAGE_HEADER_EVENT");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Render page footer
- *
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_page_footer() {
- if (class_exists("REvent")) {
- REvent::dispatch("RENDER_PAGE_FOOTER_EVENT");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Render response from server
- *
- * @param string $response response
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_server_response($response) {
- $string = "<div style=\"border:2px #ccc solid;margin-bottom:5px;background-color:#eeefff\">" .
- rock_lang("responseserver") . "
- <div style=\"margin-top:5px\">
- {$response}
- </div>
- </div>";
- echo $string;
- }
- /**
- * Render url for an action
- *
- * @param string $action action name
- * @param array $params parameters
- * @since 1.1.0
- */
- function render_url($action, array $params = array()) {
- echo url($action, $params);
- }
- ?>