- /*
- * highlight collection in leftbar
- */
- window.parent.frames["left"].highlightCollection(currentCollection, currentRecordsCount);
- /**
- * Pad leading zero to numbers
- *
- * @param integer number Number to pad
- * @param integer count Zero count
- * @return string
- * @since 1.1.6
- */
- function r_pad_zero(number, count) {
- if (typeof(count) == "undefined") {
- count = 2;
- }
- var n = "" + number;
- var l = n.length;
- if (l < count) {
- for (var i = 0; i < count - l; i ++) {
- n = "0" + n;
- }
- }
- return n;
- }
- /*
- * show operation buttons for one row
- */
- function showOperationButtons(id) {
- var row = $("#object_" + id);
- row.css("background-color", "#eeefff");
- //row.css("border", "2px #ccc solid");
- }
- //hide operation buttons for one row
- function hideOperationButtons(id) {
- var row = $("#object_" + id);
- row.css("background-color", "#fff");
- row.css("border", "0");
- }
- /** expand text area **/
- function expandText(id) {
- var text = $("#text_" +id);
- if (text.attr("expand") == "true") {
- text.css("height", "");
- text.css("max-height", 150);
- text.attr("expand", "false");
- $("#expand_" + id).html("Expand");
- }
- else {
- text.css("height", text[0].scrollHeight);
- text.css("max-height", text[0].scrollHeight);
- text.attr("expand", "true");
- $("#expand_" + id).html("Collapse");
- }
- }
- //change command - findAll, modify, remove
- function changeCommand(select) {
- //newobj input box
- var value = select.value;
- if (value == "modify") {
- $("#newobjInput").show();
- }
- else {
- $("#newobjInput").hide();
- }
- //limit input box
- if (value == "findAll") {
- $("#limitLabel").show();
- $("#pageSetLabel").show();
- $("#fieldsAndHints").show();
- }
- else {
- $("#limitLabel").hide();
- $("#pageSetLabel").hide();
- $("#fieldsAndHints").hide();
- }
- }
- //switch html and text
- function changeText(id) {
- var textDiv = $("#text_" + id);
- var fieldDiv = $("#field_" + id);
- if (textDiv.is(":visible")) {
- textDiv.hide();
- fieldDiv.show();
- }
- else {
- textDiv.show();
- fieldDiv.hide();
- }
- }
- //explain query
- function explainQuery(form) {
- var params = $(form).serialize().replace(/\baction=[\w\.]+/, "");
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: params,
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- $("#records").html(data);
- },
- url:explainURL,
- type:"POST"
- });
- }
- /** show more menus **/
- function showMoreMenus(link) {
- var obj = $(link);
- setManualPosition(".menu", obj.position().left, obj.position().top + obj.height() + 4);
- }
- /** show manual links **/
- function setManualPosition(className, x, y) {
- if ($(className).is(":visible")) {
- $(className).hide();
- }
- else {
- var s = '$("' + className + '").show().css("left", ' + x + ' - 2)';
- if (y) {
- s += '.css("top", ' + y + ')';
- }
- window.setTimeout(s, 100);
- $(className).find("a").click(function () {
- hideMenus();
- });
- }
- }
- /** hide menus **/
- function hideMenus() {
- $(".menu").hide();
- }
- /**
- * display query fields
- */
- function showQueryFields(link) {
- var fields = $("#query_fields_list");
- fields.show();
- fields.css("left", $(link).position().left);
- fields.css("top", $(link).position().top + $(link).height() + 3);
- }
- /**
- * close query fields div
- */
- function closeQueryFields() {
- $("#query_fields_list").hide();
- $("#query_fields_count").html(countChecked("query_fields[]"));
- }
- /**
- * show query hints div
- */
- function showQueryHints(link) {
- var fields = $("#query_hints_list");
- fields.show();
- fields.css("left", $(link).position().left);
- fields.css("top", $(link).position().top + $(link).height() + 3);
- }
- /**
- * close query hints
- */
- function closeQueryHints() {
- $("#query_hints_list").hide();
- $("#query_hints_count").html($(".query_hints:checked").length);
- }
- /**
- * count checked boxes
- */
- function countChecked(name) {
- var boxes = document.getElementsByName(name);
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i ++) {
- if (boxes[i].checked) {
- count ++;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- /**
- * display operations you can apply to a field
- */
- function showFieldOperations(link, field) {
- var link = $(link);
- var menu = $("#field_menu");
- setManualPosition("#field_menu", link.position().left, link.position().top + link.height());
- var parent = link.parent();
- while (!parent.is(".record_row")) {
- parent = parent.parent();
- }
- //should show "Hide" and "Show"
- if (field == "_id") {//if we are _id, do nothing
- menu.children().hide();
- menu.find(".field_op_query").show();
- menu.find(".field_op_query span").show();
- menu.find(".field_op_indexes").show();
- menu.find(".field_op_sort").show();
- }
- else {
- menu.children().show();
- var queryFields = $("[name='query_fields[]']");
- queryFields.each(function (){
- var box = $(this);
- if (box.val() == field) {
- if (box.is(":checked")) {
- menu.find(".field_op_show") .hide();
- }
- else {
- menu.find(".field_op_show") .show();
- }
- return false;
- }
- });
- menu.find(".field_op_hide_show_seperator").show();
- menu.find(".field_op_hide") .show();
- }
- var links = menu.find("a");
- links.attr("record_id", parent.attr("record_id"));
- links.attr("field", field);
- links.attr("record_index", parent.attr("record_index"));
- }
- /**
- * init menu on field
- */
- function initFieldMenu() {
- //record rows
- $(".record_row font").dblclick(function(){
- return false;
- });
- $(".record_row span").dblclick(function(){
- return false;
- });
- $(".record_row span.field").click(function (){
- $(".menu_arrow").remove();
- $(".record_row span.field").css("background-color", "");
- var span = $(this);
- span.css("background-color", "#ccc");
- span.after("<a href=\"#\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" title=\"Field Operations\" onclick=\"showFieldOperations(this,'" + span.attr("field") + "');return false\" class=\"menu_arrow\">▼</a>");
- });
- }
- /**
- * init menu on data
- */
- function initDataMenu() {
- $(".string_var").click(function () {
- var font = $(this);
- var text = font.text();
- var matches;
- if (matches = text.match(/^"(\w+:\/\/.+)"$/)) {//URI
- font.next("a").remove();
- font.after("<a href=\"#\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" title=\"View AS\" onclick=\"showDataMenu(this,'" + escape(matches[1]) + "');return false\" class=\"menu_arrow\">▼</a>");
- }
- else if (matches = text.match(/^"([\w\._]+@[\w\.-]+)"$/)) {//Mail
- font.after("<a href=\"#\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" title=\"View AS\" onclick=\"showDataMenu(this,'" + escape(matches[1]) + "');return false\" class=\"menu_arrow\">▼</a>");
- }
- });
- $(".no_string_var").click(function () {
- var font = $(this);
- var text = font.text();
- if (text.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)) {
- font.next("a").remove();
- font.after("<a href=\"#\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" title=\"View AS\" onclick=\"showDataMenu(this,'" + escape(text) + "');return false\" class=\"menu_arrow\">▼</a>");
- }
- });
- }
- function showDataMenu(link, text) {
- var link = $(link);
- var text = unescape(text);
- var menu = [];
- var width = 100;
- //File size format
- if (text.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)) {
- var n = parseFloat(text);
- menu.push("ToK: " + (Math.round(n/1024*100)/100) + "K");
- menu.push("ToM: " + (Math.round(n/1024/1024*100)/100) + "M");
- menu.push("ToG: " + (Math.round(n/1024/1024/1024*100)/100) + "G");
- //Date format
- if (text.length >= 10) {
- var date = new Date();
- if (text.length >= 13) {
- date.setTime(n * 1);
- }
- else {
- date.setTime(n * 1000);
- }
- menu.push("ToDate: " + date.getFullYear() + "-" + r_pad_zero(date.getMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" + r_pad_zero(date.getDate(), 2) + " " + r_pad_zero(date.getHours(), 2) + ":" + r_pad_zero(date.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + r_pad_zero(date.getSeconds(), 2));
- width = 200;
- }
- }
- //URI format
- if (text.match(/^\w+:\/\/.+$/)) {
- menu.push("<a href=\"" + text + "\" target=\"_blank\">Go to URI</a>");
- if (text.match(/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/i)) {
- menu.push("<br/><a href=\"" + text + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + text + "\" style=\"width:100px\"/></a>");
- }
- }
- //Mail
- if (text.match(/^([\w\._]+@[\w\.-]+)$/)) {
- menu.push("<a href=\"mailto:" + text + "\" target=\"_blank\">Send Mail</a>");
- }
- //Show menu
- if (menu.length > 0) {
- $("#data_menu").remove();
- var div = "<div class=\"menu\" id=\"data_menu\">";
- for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; i ++) {
- div += menu[i] + "<br/>";
- }
- div += "</div>";
- $(document.body).append(div)[0];
- var dataMenu = $("#data_menu");
- dataMenu.css("left", link.position().left + 10);
- dataMenu.css("top", link.position().top);
- dataMenu.css("width", width);
- dataMenu.css("overflow", "auto");
- setTimeout(function () { $("#data_menu").show() }, 100);
- }
- }
- /** init the page **/
- $(function () {
- $(document).click(function (e) {
- hideMenus();
- $("#field_menu").hide();
- if (e.target.tagName == "DIV" || e.target.tagName == "P") {
- closeQueryFields();
- closeQueryHints();
- }
- });
- //query form
- $(".field_orders").find("input[name='field[]']").autocomplete({
- source:currentFields,
- delay:100
- });
- initFieldMenu();
- initDataMenu();
- });
- /*
- * refresh one record
- */
- function refreshRecord(id, index) {
- var text = $("#text_" + index);
- var field = $("#field_" + index);
- text.text("loading ...");
- var params = {
- "id": id,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "format":currentFormat
- };
- var queryFields = $("input[name='query_fields[]']:checked");
- for (var i = 0; i < queryFields.length; i ++) {
- params["query_fields[" + i + "]"] = $(queryFields[i]).val();
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "index.php?action=collection.record",
- data: params,
- success: function (resp) {
- if (resp.code == 200) {
- text.html(resp.html);
- field.find("textarea").val(resp.data);
- initFieldMenu();
- initDataMenu();
- }
- else {
- text.text(resp.message);
- }
- },
- dataType: "json"
- });
- }
- //###############field operations#####################
- function switchDataType(div, type) {
- div.find("[name='data_type']").val(type);
- div.find("select[name='format']").hide();
- div.find(".value").hide();
- div.find(".bool_value").hide();
- div.find(".double_value").hide();
- div.find(".integer_value").hide();
- div.find(".long_value").hide();
- div.find(".mixed_value").hide();
- switch(type) {
- case "integer":
- div.find(".integer_value").show();
- break;
- case "long":
- div.find(".long_value").show();
- break;
- case "float":
- case "double":
- div.find(".double_value").show();
- break;
- case "string":
- div.find(".value").show();
- break;
- case "boolean":
- div.find(".bool_value").show();
- break;
- case "null":
- break;
- case "mixed":
- div.find("select[name='format']").show();
- div.find(".mixed_value").show();
- break;
- }
- }
- function setValueWithData(div, data) {
- var dataType = data.type;
- var value = data.value;
- switch(dataType) {
- case "integer":
- div.find("[name='integer_value']").val(value);
- break;
- case "long":
- div.find("[name='long_value']").val(value);
- break;
- case "float":
- case "double":
- div.find("[name='double_value']").val(value);
- break;
- case "string":
- div.find("[name='value']").val(value);
- break;
- case "boolean":
- div.find("[name='bool_value']").val(value ? "true" : "false");
- break;
- case "null":
- break;
- case "mixed":
- div.find("[name='mixed_value']").val(data.represent);
- break;
- }
- }
- function switchDataTypes(div) {
- var div = $(div);
- var dataType = div.find("[name='data_type']");
- switchDataType(div, dataType.val());
- dataType.change(function (){
- switchDataType(div, this.value);
- });
- }
- function escapeRegexp(pattern) {
- pattern = pattern.replace(/\./, "\\.");
- return pattern;
- }
- function fieldOpHide(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var checkedCount = 0;
- $("[name='query_fields[]']").each(function (){
- var box = $(this);
- if (box.is(":checked")) {
- checkedCount ++;
- }
- });
- var subFieldPattern = new RegExp("^" + escapeRegexp(field) + "\.");
- if (checkedCount == 0) {
- $("[name='query_fields[]']").each(function (){
- var box = $(this);
- if (box.val() != field && !box.val().match(subFieldPattern)) {
- box.attr("checked", "checked");
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- $("[name='query_fields[]']").each(function (){
- var box = $(this);
- if (box.val() == field || box.val().match(subFieldPattern)) {
- box.attr("checked", "");
- }
- });
- }
- closeQueryFields();
- $("#query_form").submit();
- }
- function fieldOpShow(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- $("[name='query_fields[]']").each(function (){
- var box = $(this);
- if (box.val() == field) {
- box.attr("checked", "checked");
- }
- });
- closeQueryFields();
- $("#query_form").submit();
- }
- function fieldOpQuery(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var field = link.attr("field");
- fieldOpLoad(field, id, function (data) {
- var buttons = {};
- var div = $("#field_dialog_query");
- var dataFormat = data.format;
- if (dataFormat == "json") {
- div.find("[name='field_criteria']").val('{\n\t"' + field + '": ' + data.represent + '\n}');
- }
- else {
- div.find("[name='field_criteria']").val('array(\n\t"' + field + '" => ' + data.represent + ',\n);');
- }
- buttons["Query"] = function (){
- $("textarea[name='criteria']").val(div.find("[name='field_criteria']").val());
- $("#query_form").find("input[name='format']").val(div.find("select[name='format']").val());
- $("#query_form").submit();
- $(this).dialog("close");
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Query on field \"" + field + "\"",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 420,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * create new field
- *
- * @param string link fire link
- * @param string id record id
- * @param string field field name
- * @param integer recordIndex record index
- */
- function fieldOpNew(link, id, field, recordIndex) {
- if (link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var recordIndex = link.attr("record_index");
- }
- var buttons = {};
- var div = $("#field_dialog_new");
- switchDataTypes(div);
- if (typeof(field)!="undefined" && field.length > 0) {
- div.find("input[name='newname']").val(field + ".");
- }
- else {
- div.find("input[name='newname']").val("");
- }
- if (id) {
- buttons["Apply"] = function () {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":id,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "keep":div.find("input[name='keep']:checked").val(),
- "data_type":div.find("[name='data_type']").val(),
- "value":div.find("[name='value']").val(),
- "integer_value":div.find("[name='integer_value']").val(),
- "long_value":div.find("[name='long_value']").val(),
- "double_value":div.find("[name='double_value']").val(),
- "bool_value":div.find("[name='bool_value']").val(),
- "mixed_value":div.find("[name='mixed_value']").val(),
- "format": div.find("[name='format']").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- if (typeof(recordIndex) != "undefined") {
- refreshRecord(id, recordIndex);
- }
- else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.new",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- };
- }
- buttons["Apply to all"] = function (){
- if (!window.confirm("The changes will be applied to all records")) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":"",
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "keep":div.find("input[name='keep']:checked").val(),
- "data_type":div.find("[name='data_type']").val(),
- "value":div.find("[name='value']").val(),
- "integer_value":div.find("[name='integer_value']").val(),
- "long_value":div.find("[name='long_value']").val(),
- "double_value":div.find("[name='double_value']").val(),
- "bool_value":div.find("[name='bool_value']").val(),
- "mixed_value":div.find("[name='mixed_value']").val(),
- "format": div.find("[name='format']").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.new",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Add new field",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 450,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * load field data
- */
- function fieldOpLoad(field, id, func) {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":id,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "field": field
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- func(data);
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.load",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- }
- /**
- * update a field
- *
- * @param object link menu link
- * @param mixed id record id
- * @param string field field name
- * @param integer recordIndex record index
- */
- function fieldOpUpdate(link, id, field, recordIndex) {
- if (link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var recordIndex = link.attr("record_index");
- }
- fieldOpLoad(field, id, function (data) {
- var buttons = {};
- var div = $("#field_dialog_update");
- switchDataTypes(div);
- switchDataType(div, data.type);
- setValueWithData(div, data);
- div.find("input[name='newname']").val(field);
- if (id) {
- buttons["Apply"] = function () {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":id,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "data_type":div.find("[name='data_type']").val(),
- "value":div.find("[name='value']").val(),
- "integer_value":div.find("[name='integer_value']").val(),
- "long_value":div.find("[name='long_value']").val(),
- "double_value":div.find("[name='double_value']").val(),
- "bool_value":div.find("[name='bool_value']").val(),
- "mixed_value":div.find("[name='mixed_value']").val(),
- "format": div.find("[name='format']").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- if (typeof(recordIndex) != "undefined") {
- refreshRecord(id, recordIndex);
- }
- else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.update",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- };
- }
- buttons["Apply to all"] = function (){
- if (!window.confirm("The changes will be applied to all records")) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":"",
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "data_type":div.find("[name='data_type']").val(),
- "value":div.find("[name='value']").val(),
- "integer_value":div.find("[name='integer_value']").val(),
- "long_value":div.find("[name='long_value']").val(),
- "double_value":div.find("[name='double_value']").val(),
- "bool_value":div.find("[name='bool_value']").val(),
- "mixed_value":div.find("[name='mixed_value']").val(),
- "format": div.find("[name='format']").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.update",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Modify field \"" + field + "\" value",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 450,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- }
- function fieldOpRename(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var recordIndex = link.attr("record_index");
- $(".dialog_field").html(field);
- var div = $("#field_dialog_rename");
- var buttons = {};
- if (id) {
- buttons["Apply"] = function () {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":id,
- "field":field,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "keep": div.find("input[name='keep']:checked").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- if (typeof(recordIndex) != "undefined") {
- refreshRecord(id, recordIndex);
- }
- else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.rename",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- };
- }
- buttons["Apply to all"] = function (){
- if (!window.confirm("The changes will be applied to all records")) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {
- "id":"",
- "field":field,
- "db":currentDb,
- "collection":currentCollection,
- "newname": div.find("input[name='newname']").val(),
- "keep":div.find("input[name='keep']:checked").val()
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- if (data.code != 200) {
- alert(data.message);
- }
- else {
- div.dialog("close");
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.rename",
- type:"POST",
- dataType:"json"
- });
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Rename field \"" + field + "\"",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 420,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function fieldOpRemove(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var recordIndex = link.attr("record_index");
- var div = $("#field_dialog_remove");
- $(".dialog_field").html(field);
- var buttons = {};
- if (id) {
- buttons["Apply"] = function () {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: { "id":id, "field":field, "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- div.dialog("close");
- if (typeof(recordIndex) != "undefined") {
- refreshRecord(id, recordIndex);
- }
- else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.remove",
- type:"POST"
- });
- };
- }
- buttons["Apply to all"] = function (){
- if (!window.confirm("The changes will be applied to all records")) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: { "id":"", "field":field, "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- div.dialog("close");
- window.location.reload();
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.remove",
- type:"POST"
- });
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Remove field \"" + field + "\"",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 420,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function fieldOpClear(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var id = link.attr("record_id");
- var recordIndex = link.attr("record_index");
- var div = $("#field_dialog_clear");
- $(".dialog_field").html(field);
- var buttons = {};
- if (id) {
- buttons["Apply"] = function () {
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: { "id":id, "field":field, "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- div.dialog("close");
- if (typeof(recordIndex) != "undefined") {
- refreshRecord(id, recordIndex);
- }
- else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.clear",
- type:"POST"
- });
- };
- }
- buttons["Apply to all"] = function (){
- if (!window.confirm("The changes will be applied to all records")) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: { "id":"", "field":field, "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- div.dialog("close");
- window.location.reload();
- },
- url:"index.php?action=field.clear",
- type:"POST"
- });
- }
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Clear field \"" + field + "\"",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 420,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function fieldOpIndexes(link) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var div = $("#field_dialog_indexes");
- div.find(".dialog_field").html(field);
- div.find(".first_field").val(field);
- div.find("#fields").html("");
- div.find("[name='name']").val(field);
- div.find("[name='field[]']").autocomplete({ source: currentFields, delay:100 });
- jQuery.ajax({
- data: {"field": field, "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
- var indexesBody = div.find(".indexes");
- indexesBody.html("");
- if (data.indexes.length == 0) {
- div.find(".indexes_table").hide();
- }
- else {
- div.find(".indexes_table").show();
- for (var i in data.indexes) {
- var index = data.indexes[i];
- indexesBody.append('<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td valign="top">' + index.name + '</td><td valign="top">' + index.key + '</td></tr>');
- }
- }
- var buttons = {};
- buttons["Create"] = function () {
- //parameters
- var params = {};
- params["db"] = currentDb;
- params["collection"] = currentCollection;
- params["name"] = div.find("[name='name']").val();
- params["is_unique"] = div.find("[name='is_unique']:checked").val();
- params["drop_duplicate"] = div.find("[name='drop_duplicate']:checked").val();
- var fields = div.find("[name='field[]']");
- for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i ++) {
- params["field[" + i + "]"] = $(fields[i]).val();
- }
- var orders = div.find("[name='order[]']");
- for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i ++) {
- params["order[" + i + "]"] = $(orders[i]).val();
- }
- jQuery.ajax({
- url: "index.php?action=field.createIndex",
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- data: params,
- success: function (resp) {
- if (resp.code != 200) {
- alert(resp.message);
- }
- else {
- setTimeout(function () { fieldOpIndexes(link); }, 300)//reload data
- }
- }
- });
- };
- buttons["Cancel"] = function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- };
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Indexes on field \"" + field + "\"",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 450,
- "open": function () {
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- },
- url: "index.php?action=field.indexes",
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json"
- });
- }
- /**
- * show more text
- */
- function fieldOpMore(field, id) {
- fieldOpUpdate(null, id, field)
- }
- /**
- * sort by a field
- */
- function fieldOpSort(link, order) {
- var link = $(link);
- var field = link.attr("field");
- var url = window.location.toString();
- var pieces = url.split("?", 2);
- if (pieces.length == 1) {
- window.location = url + "&field[]=" + field + "&order[]=" + order;
- }
- else {
- var params = pieces[1].split("&");
- var newQuery = "";
- var fieldIndex = 0;
- var orderIndex = 0;
- var theFieldIndex = 0;//field to be operated
- for (var i in params) {
- var param = params[i];
- var kv = param.split("=", 2);
- if (kv.length == 2) {
- if (decodeURI(kv[0]).match(new RegExp("^field\\[\\d*\\]$"))) {
- fieldIndex ++;
- if (kv[1] != field) {
- newQuery += "&field[]=" + kv[1];
- }
- else {
- theFieldIndex = fieldIndex;
- }
- }
- else if (decodeURI(kv[0]).match(new RegExp("^order\\[\\d*\\]$"))) {
- orderIndex ++;
- if (orderIndex != theFieldIndex) {
- newQuery += "&order[]=" + kv[1];
- }
- }
- else {
- newQuery += "&" + param;
- }
- }
- }
- window.location = pieces[0] + "?" + "field[]=" + field + "&order[]=" + order + newQuery;
- }
- }
- function addNewField() {
- $("#fields").append("<p style=\"margin:0;padding:0\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"field[]\"/> <select name=\"order[]\"><option value=\"asc\">ASC</option><option value=\"desc\">DESC</option></select> <input type=\"button\" value=\"+\" onclick=\"addNewField()\"/><input type=\"button\" value=\"-\" onclick=\"removeNewField(this)\"/></p>");
- $("#fields").find("[name='field[]']").autocomplete({ source: currentFields, delay:100 });
- }
- function removeNewField(btn) {
- $(btn).parent().remove();
- }
- function clickUniqueKey(box) {
- if (box.checked) {
- $("#duplicate_tr").show();
- }
- else {
- $("#duplicate_tr").hide();
- }
- }
- /**
- * show query history when log_query feature is on
- */
- function showQueryHistory() {
- var div = $("#field_dialog_history");
- var buttons = {
- /** Clear history **/
- "Clear": function () {
- if (window.confirm("Are you sure to clear all the query history?")) {
- jQuery.ajax({
- "data": { "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- "dataType": "json",
- "url": "index.php?action=collection.clearQueryHistory",
- "success": function (data) {
- if (data.code == 200) {
- div.find(".no_history").show();
- div.find(".has_history").hide();
- }
- else {
- alert("Fail to clear query history. Please check directory \"$rockmongo/logs/\" permission.");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- },
- "Close": function () {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- }
- };
- /** Retrieve history **/
- jQuery.ajax({
- "data": { "db":currentDb, "collection":currentCollection },
- "dataType": "html",
- "url": "index.php?action=collection.queryHistory",
- "success": function (data) {
- div.html(data);
- div.dialog({
- "modal": true,
- "title": "Query History",
- "buttons":buttons,
- "width": 450,
- "open": function(event, ui) {
- $("button").blur();
- $(".ui-widget-overlay").unbind("click").click(function () {
- if ($(this).closest(".ui-dialog").length == 0) {
- div.dialog("close");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * switch format between json and array
- *
- * @param object input data input element
- * @param object select select element
- */
- function switchDataFormat(input, select) {
- $.ajax({
- "data": { "data": $(input).val(), "format":select.value },
- "url": "index.php?action=collection.switchFormat&db=" + currentDb + "&collection=" + currentCollection,
- "type": "POST",
- "dataType": "json",
- "success": function (resp) {
- $(input).val(resp.data);
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Show more document operations
- * @param object button "more" button
- * @param integer index document index
- */
- function showMoreDocMenus(button, index) {
- var obj = $(button);
- var className = ".doc_menu_" + index;
- var x = obj.position().left;
- var y = obj.position().top + obj.height() + 4;
- if ($(className).is(":visible")) {
- $(className).hide();
- }
- else {
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $(".doc_menu").hide();
- $(className).show();
- $(className).css("left", x);
- $(className).css("top", y)
- }, 100);
- $(className).find("a").click(function () {
- showMoreDocMenus(button, index);
- });
- }
- }
- $(function () {
- $(document).click(function () {
- $(".doc_menu").hide();
- });
- });