123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374 |
- <?php
- /**
- * Created by PhpStorm.
- * User: Steven
- * Date: 2016/10/13
- * Time: 16:18
- * 组合线路票种相关
- */
- class groupLine extends base
- {
- /**
- * 获取产品线 所有用来拼接组合线路的单一线路 获取运营公司
- * @return mixed
- */
- function getProduct()
- {
- $res = $this->productLine(); //获取产品线
- $extra_sql = "";
- if( isset($_COOKIE["opera_org_id"]) && mb_strlen($_COOKIE["opera_org_id"]) > 0 ) {
- $extra_sql .= ' AND ORG_ID IN( '.$_COOKIE["opera_org_id"].' ) ';
- }
- if (isset($_COOKIE["user_main_corp"]) && mb_strlen($_COOKIE["user_main_corp"]) > 0 && $_COOKIE["user_main_corp"] > 0 ) {
- $extra_sql .= ' AND MAIN_CORP_ID IN( '.$_COOKIE["user_main_corp"].' ) ';
- }
- //获取线路列表
- $sql1 = "SELECT line_id,line_name FROM opera_line WHERE CANCEL_FLAG=0 AND LINE_TYPE<>316".$extra_sql;
- $res_line = $this->query($sql1);
- if ($res_line) {
- $code = '0';
- $msg = "获取列表基本信息成功";
- } else {
- $code = '1';
- $msg = "获取列表基本信息失败";
- }
- $res_company = $this->getSupply(); //获取运营公司
- $result['code'] = (string)$code;
- $result['info'] = $msg;
- $result['product'] = $res;
- $result['res_line'] = $res_line;
- $result['company'] = $res_company;
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 根据line_id获取上车点
- * @param $param
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function getStartByLine($param)
- {
- $line_id = isset($param['line_id']) ? $param['line_id'] : false;
- if (false === $line_id) {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result['info'] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- if ($line_id == -1) { //处理提交的上车站点是“请选择”选项
- $result['code'] = '0';
- $result['info'] = "请选择上车站点";
- $result['station'] = array();
- return $result;
- }
- //sql:根据线路ID查询可行的上车点(站点和应用poi) 其中res_id=(站点或应用POI标记,站点ID) 0:不限;1:站点ID; 2:应用POI
- $sql = "SELECT concat(1,',',a.res_id) as res_id,
- b.res_name
- FROM opera_station a left join
- base_resource b on a.res_id = b.res_id and b.res_type_id = 24
- WHERE a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 AND a.LINE_ID=$line_id AND a.INOUT_TYPE in(108,109)
- union all
- SELECT distinct concat(2,',',a.area_id) as res_area_flag,
- b.area_name
- FROM opera_station a left join
- base_area b on a.area_id = b.id
- WHERE a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 AND a.LINE_ID=$line_id AND a.INOUT_TYPE in(108,109)";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- array_unshift($res, array('res_id' => '0,0', 'res_name' => '不限')); //给数组的开头插入一个元素
- if ($res) {
- $code = 0;
- $msg = '获取' . $line_id . '线路对应上车站成功';
- } else {
- $code = 1;
- $msg = '获取' . $line_id . '线路对应上车站失败';
- }
- $result['code'] = (string)$code;
- $result['info'] = $msg;
- $result['station'] = $res;
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 根据上车站获取下车站点
- * @param $param
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function getEndStation($param)
- {
- $para_line_id = isset($param['line_id']) ? $param['line_id'] : false;
- $res_id = isset($param['res_id']) ? $param['res_id'] : false;
- if ($para_line_id === false || $res_id === false) {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result['info'] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- if ($res_id == -1) {
- $result['code'] = '0';
- $result['info'] = "请选择上车站点";
- return $result;
- }
- $para = explode(",", $res_id);
- $para_flag = $para[0];
- $para_start_id = $para[1];
- $sql = "CALL SP_GET_END_STATION($para_line_id,$para_flag,$para_start_id)";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) { //存储过程执行出错
- $json["code"] = (string)$res['code'];
- $json["info"] = $res['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- //数据查询成功
- $json["code"] = '0';
- $json["info"] = '下车站点获取成功';
- $json["station"] = $res['data'][0];
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 添加组合线路
- * @param $param
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function addGroupLine($param)
- {
- //{行程第几日,第几条,线路ID,出发站点或应用POI标志,出发res_id,目的站点或应用POI标志,目的RES_ID,出发时间} 站点或应用POI标志: 1:站点 2:应用POI, 出发时间需要换算成距离0点的分钟数
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- $line_name = isset($param['line_name']) ? $param['line_name'] : false; //线路名称
- $line_code = isset($param['line_code']) ? $param['line_code'] : false; //线路编号
- $producttype = isset($param['product_type']) ? $param['product_type'] : false; //产品线
- $expiredtype = isset($param['expired_type']) ? $param['expired_type'] : false; //售卖截止类型
- $expiredtime = isset($param['expired_time']) ? $param['expired_time'] : false; //售卖截止时间
- $orgid = isset($param['org_id']) ? $param['org_id'] : false; //运营公司
- $station_list = isset($param['station_list']) ? $param['station_list'] : false; //行程字符串
- if ($line_name === false || $line_code === false || $producttype === false || $expiredtype === false || $expiredtime === false || $orgid === false || $station_list === false) {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result['info'] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- $sql_check = 'SELECT line_id count from opera_line WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND LINE_CODE=\'' . $line_code . '\'';
- $res_check = $this->query($sql_check);
- if (count($res_check) > 0) {
- $result['code'] = '3';
- $result['info'] = "线路编号已存在";
- return $result;
- }
- $station_list = str_replace("},", "}", $station_list);
- $sql = "CALL SP_ADD_LINE_GROUP(" . $user_id . ",'" . $line_name . "','" . $line_code . "'," . $producttype . "," . $expiredtype . ",'" . $expiredtime . "','" . $orgid . "','" . $station_list . "')";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) //存储过程执行出错
- {
- $result['code'] = (string)$res['code'];
- $result['info'] = $res['info'];
- return $result;
- }
- $result['code'] = '0';
- $result['info'] = '组合线路添加成功';
- $result['line_id'] = $res['data'][0][0]['line_id'];
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 根据line_id获取组合线路基本信息
- * @param $param
- * @return string
- */
- public function getGroupLineByID($param)
- {
- $line_id = isset($param['line_id']) ? $param['line_id'] : false;
- if ($line_id === false) {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result['info'] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- //sql:根据线路ID 获取组合线路的基本信息
- $sql = "SELECT a.line_id,b.line_name,b.line_code,b.product_type,c.max_day_num,b.org_id,b.sale_expired_type,b.sale_expired_time,a.sub_line_id,a.day_num,a.seq_id,a.start_choice_flag,a.start_res_id,a.start_area_id,a.end_choice_flag,a.end_order_id,a.end_res_id,a.end_area_id,a.start_time,a.start_minutes
- FROM opera_line_group a,opera_line b,(select line_id,max(day_num) as max_day_num from opera_line_group group by line_id) c
- WHERE a.line_id = b.line_id and a.line_id = c.line_id AND a.LINE_ID = $line_id ORDER BY DAY_NUM,SEQ_ID";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- $arr = array();
- if (!$res) {
- $result['code'] = '1';
- $result['info'] = "获取{$line_id}线路基本信息失败";
- }
- $arr['line_id'] = $res[0]['line_id']; //线路ID
- $arr['line_name'] = $res[0]['line_name']; //线路名称
- $arr['line_code'] = $res[0]['line_code'];//线路代码
- $arr['product_type'] = $res[0]['product_type']; //产品线
- $arr['max_day_num'] = $res[0]['max_day_num']; //行程
- $arr['org_id'] = $res[0]['org_id']; //运营公司
- $arr['sale_expired_type'] = $res[0]['sale_expired_type']; //售卖截止类型
- $arr['sale_expired_time'] = $res[0]['sale_expired_time']; //售卖截止时间
- foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
- $line['day_num'] = $v['day_num']; //第几天
- $line['seq_id'] = $v['seq_id']; //顺序
- $line['sub_line_id'] = $v['sub_line_id']; //组合线路的实际线路ID
- #region 根据线路ID获取上车站点列表
- $param_line_id['line_id'] = $v['sub_line_id'];
- $base_start_station = $this->getStartByLine($param_line_id);
- $line['start_station'] = $base_start_station['station'];
- #endregion
- $line['start_time'] = $v['start_time']; //出发时间
- //出发站点 start_choice_flag 区分是站点还是应用POI start_res_id=站点类型,站点ID; 站点类型:0:不限;1:站点ID 2:应用POI
- $line['start_res_id'] = ($v['start_choice_flag'] == 0) ? '0,0' : (($v['start_choice_flag'] == 1) ? ($v['start_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['start_res_id']) : (($v['start_choice_flag'] == 2) ? ($v['start_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['start_area_id']) : 0)); //出发站点 start_choice_flag 区分是站点还是应用POI 1:选择站点, 2:选择应用POI
- #region 根据线路ID和上车站点获取下车站点列表
- $param_res['line_id'] = $v['sub_line_id'];
- $param_res['res_id'] = $line['start_res_id'];
- $end_station = $this->getEndStation($param_res);
- $line['end_station'] = $end_station['station'];
- #endregion
- //目的地站点 start_choice_flag 区分是站点还是应用POI end_res_id=站点类型,站点ID; 站点类型:1:站点ID 2:应用POI
- //$line['end_res_id'] = ($v['end_choice_flag'] == 0) ? '0,0' : (($v['end_choice_flag'] == 1) ? ($v['end_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['end_res_id']) : (($v['end_choice_flag'] == 2) ? ($v['end_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['end_area_id']) : 0)); //目的地站点
- $line['end_res_id'] = ($v['end_choice_flag'] == 1) ? $v['end_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['end_res_id'] : (($v['end_choice_flag'] == 2) ? $v['end_choice_flag'] . ',' . $v['end_area_id'] : 0);
- $arr['line']["{$v['day_num']}"][] = $line;
- }
- $sql1 = "SELECT line_id,line_name FROM opera_line WHERE CANCEL_FLAG=0 AND LINE_TYPE<>316"; //获取线路列表
- $res_line = $this->query($sql1);
- $result['code'] = '0';
- $result['info'] = "获取{$line_id}线路基本信息成功";
- $result['line_info'] = $arr;
- //其他基本信息
- $result['res_line'] = $res_line; //获取线路
- $result['product'] = $this->productLine(); //获取产品线
- $result['company'] = $this->getSupply(); //获取运营公司/
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 组合线路基本信息的修改
- * @param $param
- * @return string
- */
- public function updateGroupLine($param)
- {
- //{行程第几日,第几条,线路ID,出发站点或应用POI标志,出发res_id,目的站点或应用POI标志,目的RES_ID,出发时间} 站点或应用POI标志: 1:站点 2:应用POI, 出发时间需要换算成距离0点的分钟数
- $line_id = isset($param['line_id']) ? $param['line_id'] : false; //线路
- $line_name = isset($param['line_name']) ? $param['line_name'] : false; //线路名称
- $line_code = isset($param['line_code']) ? $param['line_code'] : false; //线路编号
- $producttype = isset($param['product_type']) ? $param['product_type'] : false; //产品线
- $expiredtype = isset($param['expired_type']) ? $param['expired_type'] : false; //售卖截止类型
- $expiredtime = isset($param['expired_time']) ? $param['expired_time'] : false; //售卖截止时间
- $orgid = isset($param['org_id']) ? $param['org_id'] : false; //运营公司
- $station_list = isset($param['station_list']) ? $param['station_list'] : false; //行程字符串
- if ($line_name === false || $line_code === false || $producttype === false || $expiredtype === false || $expiredtime === false || $orgid === false || $station_list === false) {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result['info'] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- $sql_check = 'SELECT line_id count from opera_line WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND LINE_CODE=\'' . $line_code . '\' AND LINE_ID<>' . $line_id;
- $res_check = $this->query($sql_check);
- if (count($res_check) > 0) {
- $result['code'] = '3';
- $result['info'] = "线路编号已存在";
- return $result;
- }
- $station_list = str_replace("},", "}", $station_list);
- //station_list 格式{行程第几日,线路ID,出发站点或应用POI标志,出发res_id,目的站点或应用POI标志,目的RES_ID,出发时间} 站点或应用POI标志: 1:站点 2:应用POI, 出发时间需要换算成距离0点的分钟数
- $sql = "CALL sp_update_line_group(" . $this->user_id . "," . $line_id . ",'" . $line_name . "','" . $line_code . "'," . $producttype . "," . $expiredtype . ",'" . $expiredtime . "','" . $orgid . "','" . $station_list . "')";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) { //存储过程执行出错
- $result['code'] = (string)$res['code'];
- $result['info'] = $res['info'];
- return $result;
- }
- $result['code'] = '0';
- $result['info'] = '组合线路修改成功';
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 张帅
- * 组合线路线路列表
- */
- public function getLineList($post)
- {
- $page_size = isset($post['page_size']) ? trim($post['page_size']) : false;
- $current_page = isset($post['current_page']) ? trim($post['current_page']) : false;
- $line_code = isset($post['line_code']) ? (empty($post['line_code']) ? "''" : "'" . trim($post['line_code']) . "'") : false;
- $supply_id = isset($post['supply_id']) ? trim($post['supply_id']) : false;
- $line_status = isset($post['line_status']) ? trim($post['line_status']) : false;
- $line_type = isset($post['line_type']) ? trim($post['line_type']) : false;
- $product_type = isset($post['product_type']) ? trim($post['product_type']) : false;
- $start_row = ($current_page - 1) * $page_size;
- if ($page_size === false || $current_page === false || $line_code === false || $supply_id === false || $line_type === false || $product_type === false) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- $extra_sql = "";
- if( isset($_COOKIE["opera_org_id"]) && mb_strlen($_COOKIE["opera_org_id"]) > 0 ) {
- $extra_sql .= ' AND l.org_id IN( '.$_COOKIE["opera_org_id"].' ) ';
- }
- if (isset($_COOKIE["user_main_corp"]) && mb_strlen($_COOKIE["user_main_corp"]) > 0 && $_COOKIE["user_main_corp"] > 0 ) {
- $extra_sql .= ' AND MAIN_CORP_ID IN( ' . $_COOKIE["user_main_corp"] . ' ) ';
- }
- $sql = "SELECT
- l.line_id,l.line_code,l.line_name,l.product_type,
- (SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = l.product_type) as product_type_name,
- IFNULL((SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = l.line_sub_type),'') AS line_sub_type,
- IFNULL((SELECT supplier_name FROM base_supplier WHERE id = l.org_id ), '' ) AS org_name,
- CASE l.if_disabled WHEN 0 THEN '启用' ELSE '停用' END AS disabled_status,
- count(t.ticket_id) AS cnt
- opera_line AS l LEFT JOIN
- (SELECT ticket_id,line_id FROM opera_tickets WHERE cancel_flag = 0) AS t
- ON l.line_id = t.line_id
- l.cancel_flag = 0
- AND l.line_type = " . $line_type . "
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $line_code . ")='',0=0,(l.line_code LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $line_code . ",'%') OR l.line_name LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $line_code . ",'%')))
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $supply_id . ")=-1,0=0,l.org_id = " . $supply_id . ")
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $product_type . ")=-1,0=0,l.product_type = " . $product_type . ")
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $line_status . ")=-1,0=0,l.if_disabled = " . $line_status . ")".$extra_sql."
- l.line_id,l.line_code,l.line_name,l.line_sub_type,l.org_id,l.if_disabled
- l.line_id DESC
- LIMIT " . $start_row . "," . $page_size;
- $line_list = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($line_list) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '没有符合的线路';
- $json['line_list'] = array();
- $json['page']['page_size'] = $page_size;
- $json['page']['current_page'] = $current_page;
- $json['page']['total_count'] = '0';
- $json['page']['total_page'] = '0';
- return $json;
- }
- $count_sql = "SELECT
- count(line_id) as total_count
- opera_line
- cancel_flag = 0
- AND line_type = " . $line_type . "
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $line_code . ")='',0=0,(line_code LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $line_code . ",'%') OR line_name LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $line_code . ",'%')))
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $supply_id . ")=-1,0=0,org_id = " . $supply_id . ")
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $product_type . ")=-1,0=0,product_type = " . $product_type . ")
- AND IF(TRIM(" . $line_status . ")=-1,0=0,if_disabled = " . $line_status . ") ".$extra_sql;
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($count_sql);
- $total_count = $this->query($count_sql);
- $total_count = $total_count[0]['total_count'];
- $total_page = ceil($total_count / $page_size);
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回线路列表成功符合的线路';
- $json['line_list'] = $line_list;
- $json['page']['page_size'] = (string)$page_size;
- $json['page']['current_page'] = (string)$current_page;
- $json['page']['total_count'] = (string)$total_count;
- $json['page']['total_page'] = (string)$total_page;
- return $json;
- }
- }