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  215. <span>采购:</span>
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  219. <span>分销:</span>
  220. <span>[distribution price]</span>
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  223. <span>零售:</span>
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  231. <span>采购类型:</span>
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  233. <option value="229">现询</option>
  234. <option value="230">保留</option>
  235. <option value="228">买断</option>
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  239. <span style="letter-spacing:6px;">库存</span>量:
  240. <input id="rkc" class="cript" type="text" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')" maxlength="3" >
  241. <span>间</span>
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  244. <span style="letter-spacing:6px;">采购</span>价:
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  246. <span>元</span>
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  254. <span style="letter-spacing:6px;">零售</span>价:
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  256. <span>元</span>
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  259. <span style="letter-spacing:25px;">早</span>餐:
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  261. <option value="206">请选择</option>
  262. <option value="207">不含早</option>
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  266. <option value="210">四早</option>
  267. </select>
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  270. <span>售卖开关:</span>
  271. <img id="kg" class="mt kg" src="" alt="" name="kaiguan" >
  272. <input type="hidden" name="kaiguan" value="144" id="kaiguanStyle"/>
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