2016-12-11 15:54:04 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:54:04 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(850,961,800,4,797,7,1966,794) 2016-12-11 15:54:07 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 0 2016-12-11 15:54:07 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 1 2016-12-11 15:54:22 check base_supplier:SELECT supplier_name FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 AND supplier_name = '南京途牛(酒店)' 2016-12-11 15:54:25 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 809 2016-12-11 15:56:39 INSERT INTO base_supplier:INSERT INTO base_supplier ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_type, supplier_name, area_id, manage_type, company_name, id_card, is_disabled, sett_type, sett_frequency, account_bank, account_num, account_name, sales_man ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:56:39',301,'南京途牛(酒店)',810,1,'南京途牛国际旅行社有限公司','',0,275,295,'','','','王海顺') 2016-12-11 15:56:39 INSERT INTO base_supplier_purchase:INSERT INTO base_supplier_sale ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_id, prod_supplier_id, product_type, parent_type, sale_type, commision_flag, commision_type, back_commision_type, back_commision_method, back_percent, back_value ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:56:39',1021,0,0,25,177,0,0,0,0,'0','0') 2016-12-11 15:56:39 INSERT INTO base_supplier_link:INSERT INTO base_supplier_link ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_id, link_name, contact_name, contact_mobile, contact_telphone, fax, email, remark ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:56:39',1021,'业务','许欣','','','','','') 2016-12-11 15:56:40 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:56:40 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(850,961,800,4,797,7,1966,794) 2016-12-11 15:56:47 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT supplier_id, product_type, parent_type FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE product_type = 25 or parent_type = 25 and cancel_flag = 0 GROUP BY supplier_id 2016-12-11 15:56:47 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and id in(164,663,669,670,673,674,675,1010,1019,1020,1021) AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:56:47 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(800,794,2,850,923,982,810) 2016-12-11 15:56:52 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 0 2016-12-11 15:56:52 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 1 2016-12-11 15:57:02 check base_supplier:SELECT supplier_name FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 AND supplier_name = '途牛(线路)' 2016-12-11 15:57:06 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 809 2016-12-11 15:57:36 INSERT INTO base_supplier:INSERT INTO base_supplier ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_type, supplier_name, area_id, manage_type, company_name, id_card, is_disabled, sett_type, sett_frequency, account_bank, account_num, account_name, sales_man ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:57:36',301,'途牛(线路)',810,1,'南京途牛国际旅行社有限公司','',0,275,295,'','','','王海顺') 2016-12-11 15:57:36 INSERT INTO base_supplier_purchase:INSERT INTO base_supplier_sale ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_id, prod_supplier_id, product_type, parent_type, sale_type, commision_flag, commision_type, back_commision_type, back_commision_method, back_percent, back_value ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:57:36',1022,0,0,25,177,0,0,0,0,'0','0') 2016-12-11 15:57:36 INSERT INTO base_supplier_link:INSERT INTO base_supplier_link ( create_user_id, create_time, supplier_id, link_name, contact_name, contact_mobile, contact_telphone, fax, email, remark ) VALUES (35,'2016-12-11 15:57:36',1022,'业务','林楠','','','','','') 2016-12-11 15:57:37 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:57:37 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(850,961,800,4,797,7,1966,794) 2016-12-11 15:58:10 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT supplier_id, product_type, parent_type FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE product_type = 25 or parent_type = 25 and cancel_flag = 0 GROUP BY supplier_id 2016-12-11 15:58:10 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and id in(164,663,669,670,673,674,675,1010,1019,1020,1021,1022) AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:10 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(800,794,2,850,923,982,810) 2016-12-11 15:58:16 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT supplier_id, product_type, parent_type FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE product_type = 25 or parent_type = 25 and cancel_flag = 0 GROUP BY supplier_id 2016-12-11 15:58:16 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and id in(164,663,669,670,673,674,675,1010,1019,1020,1021,1022) AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:16 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(800,794,2,850,923,982,810) 2016-12-11 15:58:17 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT supplier_id, product_type, parent_type FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE product_type = 25 or parent_type = 25 and cancel_flag = 0 GROUP BY supplier_id 2016-12-11 15:58:17 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and id in(164,663,669,670,673,674,675,1010,1019,1020,1021,1022) AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:17 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(800,794,2,850,923,982,810) 2016-12-11 15:58:21 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT supplier_id, product_type, parent_type FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE product_type = 25 or parent_type = 25 and cancel_flag = 0 GROUP BY supplier_id 2016-12-11 15:58:21 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and supplier_name like '%%途牛%%' and id in(164,663,669,670,673,674,675,1010,1019,1020,1021,1022) and supplier_name like '%%途牛%%' AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:21 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(810) 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 0 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 1 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, manage_type, company_name, id_card, sett_type, sett_frequency, account_bank, account_num, account_name, sales_man FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name, parent_id FROM base_area WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND id = 810 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND id = 809 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_supplier_sale:SELECT id, prod_supplier_id, product_type, parent_type, sale_type, commision_flag, commision_type, back_commision_type, back_commision_method, back_percent, back_value FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_supplier_link:SELECT id, link_name, contact_name, contact_mobile, contact_telphone, fax, email, remark FROM base_supplier_link WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:36 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE parent_id = 809 2016-12-11 15:58:40 check base_supplier:SELECT supplier_name FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 AND supplier_name = '南京途牛(线路)' and id != 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:43 getDbSale base_supplier_sale:SELECT id AS sale_id, prod_supplier_id, product_type, parent_type, sale_type, commision_flag, commision_type, back_commision_type, back_commision_method, back_percent, back_value FROM base_supplier_sale WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:43 getDbLink base_supplier_link:SELECT id as link_id, link_name, contact_name, contact_mobile, contact_telphone, fax, email, remark FROM base_supplier_link WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:43 getDbChannel base_supplier:SELECT supplier_name, area_id, manage_type, company_name, id_card, sett_type, sett_frequency, account_bank, account_num, account_name, sales_man FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:43 UPDATE base_supplier:UPDATE base_supplier SET update_user_id = 35,update_time = '2016-12-11 15:58:43',supplier_name = '南京途牛(线路)',area_id = '810',manage_type = '1',company_name = '南京途牛国际旅行社有限公司',id_card = '',sett_type = '275',sett_frequency = '295',account_bank = '',account_num = '',account_name = '',sales_man = '王海顺' WHERE id = 1022 2016-12-11 15:58:45 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:45 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(850,961,800,4,797,7,1966,794) 2016-12-11 15:58:52 select base_supplier:SELECT id, supplier_name, area_id, is_disabled, supplier_type, manage_type FROM base_supplier WHERE cancel_flag = 0 and supplier_name like '%%途牛%%' AND supplier_type = 301 LIMIT 0,10 2016-12-11 15:58:52 select base_area:SELECT id, area_name FROM base_area WHERE id in(810)