"1", "info" => "用户未登录"));
if (isset($_POST['reason'])) {
$reason = $_POST['reason'];
$order_id = $_POST['order_id'];
$clock = $_POST['clock'];
// $return_data = array();
// $return_data["code"] = 1;
// $return_data["info"] = $reason;
$pdo_insert = conn();
$sql = "insert into order_comment(ORDER_ID,COMMENT_TXT,CREATE_TIME) VALUES ({$order_id},'{$reason}','{$clock}')";
$result = $pdo_insert->exec($sql);
if ($method == "cancelOrder") {
} else {
$condition = array();
$timelimit = isset($_POST['timelimit']) ? $_POST['timelimit'] : '';
$starttime = isset($_POST['starttime']) ? $_POST['starttime'] : '';
$endtime = isset($_POST['endtime']) ? $_POST['endtime'] : '';
$ordersource = isset($_POST['ordersource']) ? $_POST['ordersource'] : 0;
$typelimit = isset($_POST['typelimit']) ? $_POST['typelimit'] : '';
$moresearch = isset($_POST['moresearch']) ? trim($_POST['moresearch']) : '';
$orderstatus = isset($_POST['orderstatus']) ? $_POST['orderstatus'] : 0;
if ($orderstatus) {
$condition[] = " a.order_status =" . $orderstatus;
if ($timelimit == 0) {
empty($starttime) ? null : $condition[] = ' a.create_time >= "' . $starttime . ' 00:00:00' . '"'; //创建时间条件筛选
empty($endtime) ? null : $condition[] = ' a.create_time <= "' . $endtime . ' 23:59:01' . '"';
} elseif ($timelimit == 1) {
empty($starttime) ? null : $condition[] = ' a.run_date >= "' . $starttime . '"'; // 出发时间筛选
empty($endtime) ? null : $condition[] = ' a.run_date <= "' . $endtime . ' 23:59:01' . '"';
if ($ordersource == '-1') {
} else {
empty($ordersource) ? null : $condition[] = ' a.outside_sale_org_id = ' . $ordersource;
if ($typelimit == 1) {
$condition[] = ' a.order_prod_type in (258,259,282,311)';
} else {
empty($typelimit) ? $condition[] = ' a.order_prod_type in (258,259)' : $condition[] = ' a.order_prod_type= ' . $typelimit;
empty($moresearch) ? $condition2 = 1 : $condition2 = ' a.order_id like "%' . $moresearch . '%" or a.customer_name like "%' . $moresearch . '%" or a.customer_mobile like "%' . $moresearch . '%" or a.outside_order_no like "%' . $moresearch . '%"';
$condition = implode(' AND ', $condition);
$condition1 = array();
if ($timelimit == 0) {
empty($starttime) ? null : $condition1[] = ' a.create_time >= "' . $starttime . ' 00:00:00' . '"'; //创建时间条件筛选
empty($endtime) ? null : $condition1[] = ' a.create_time <= "' . $endtime . ' 23:59:01' . '"';
} elseif ($timelimit == 1) {
empty($starttime) ? null : $condition1[] = ' a.run_date >= "' . $starttime . '"'; // 出发时间筛选
empty($endtime) ? null : $condition1[] = ' a.run_date <= "' . $endtime . ' 23:59:01' . '"';
if ($ordersource == '-1') {
} else {
empty($ordersource) ? null : $condition1[] = ' a.outside_sale_org_id = ' . $ordersource;
if ($typelimit == 1) {
$condition1[] = ' a.order_prod_type in (258,259,282,311)';
} else {
empty($typelimit) ? $condition1[] = ' a.order_prod_type in (258,259)' : $condition1[] = ' a.order_prod_type= ' . $typelimit;
//2017.3.30 筛选条件新增当前用户运营主体
$sql=''."select main_corp_id from base_user where id=$user_id limit 1";
$rowset = $user_corp_id->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$sql=''."select group_concat(prod_id) as prod_arr from opera_product a where main_corp_id = $main_corp_id and parent_id=0 and cancel_flag=0";
$rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$condition1[] = " a.prod_id in($result)";
$condition1 = implode(' AND ', $condition1);
$orderstatus = isset($_POST['orderstatus']) ? (empty($_POST['orderstatus']) ? 0 : $_POST['orderstatus']) : 0;
$paystatus = isset($_POST['paystatus']) ? (empty($_POST['paystatus']) ? -1 : $_POST['paystatus']) : -1;
$billingstatus = isset($_POST['billingstatus']) ? $_POST['billingstatus'] : '';
$mealbounce = isset($_POST['mealbounce']) ? $_POST['mealbounce'] : '';
$refund = isset($_POST['refund']) ? $_POST['refund'] : '';
$export = isset($_POST['export']) ? $_POST['export'] : '';
$start_area = isset($_POST['start_area']) ? $_POST['start_area'] : '';
$end_area = isset($_POST['end_area']) ? $_POST['end_area'] : '';
$line = isset($_POST['line']) ? $_POST['line'] : '';
$currpage = isset($_POST['currpage']) ? (empty($_POST['currpage']) ? 1 : $_POST['currpage']) : 1;
$pagesize = isset($_POST['pagesize']) ? (empty($_POST['pagesize']) ? 10 : $_POST['pagesize']) : 10;
$pdo = conn();
// $sql = "select count(*) as will from order_main as a where a.order_status=145 and a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and " . $condition1 . ";
// select count(order_id) as pay from order_main as a where a.order_status=146 and a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and " . $condition1 . ";
// select count(order_id) as over from order_main as a where a.order_status=147 and a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and " . $condition1 . ";
// select count(order_id) as cancel from order_main as a where a.order_status=148 and a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and " . $condition1;
$sql = "select a.order_status, count(a.order_id) as order_num from order_main as a where a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and " . $condition1 . " group by a.order_status ";
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
writeLog("--des_order_list:" . __LINE__ . "|" . $sql);
$data_count_list = array("will" => 0, "pay" => 0, "over" => "0", "cancel" => 0);
// $rowset = $result -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($rowset as $row_info) {
switch ($row_info["order_status"]) {
case 145:
$row_index = "will";
case 146:
$row_index = "pay";
case 147:
$row_index = "over";
case 148:
$row_index = "cancel";
$row_index = "will";
$data_count_list[$row_index] = $row_info["order_num"];
if ($condition2 != 1) {
$condition2 = " where " . $condition2 . " AND " . $condition1;
} else {
$condition2 = " where " . $condition1;
$sql = "select a.order_id "
. "from order_main as a "
. $condition2;
//echo $sql;die;
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
$json22 = array();
do {
$rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($rowset) {
$json22 = $rowset;
} while ($result->nextRowset());
if (empty($json22)) {
$data = (array("code" => "1", "info" => "此条件下没有订单", "list_count" => 0, "searchInfo" => array()));
echo json_encode($data);
foreach ($json22 as $v) {
$arr_o[] = $v['order_id'];
$arr_o = implode(',', $arr_o);
$sql_org = "select org_id,org_name from base_organization ";
$result_org = $pdo->query($sql_org);
$org_list = $result_org->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$o_list = array();
foreach ($org_list as $v) {
$o_list[$v['org_id']] = array('org_name' => $v['org_name'], 'org_id' => $v['org_id']);
$sql = "select b.refund_limit_time,b.refund_limit_day,a.prod_name,a.order_prod_type,a.order_description,a.run_date,a.ORDER_PAY_MAIN_ID,a.order_id,a.customer_name,a.customer_mobile,a.customer_id_type,a.customer_id_no,a.order_price,a.order_status,a.create_time,a.prod_id,a.customer_memo,a.main_create_user_id,a.outside_sale_org_id,a.outside_order_no "
. "from order_main as a left join opera_product as b on a.prod_id=b.prod_id "
. "where a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=0 and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0 and a.order_id in (" . $arr_o . ") AND " . $condition . " order by a.create_time desc";
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
if (false != $result) {
$json = array();
$rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($rowset) {
$json = $rowset;
if (empty($json)) {
$data = (array("code" => "1", "info" => '此条件下没有订单', "list_count" => 0, "searchInfo" => array()));
echo json_encode($data);
$json_id = array();
foreach ($json as $v) {
$json_id[] = $v['order_id'];
$json2[] = $v['order_id'];
$org[$v['order_id']] = $v['main_create_user_id'];
if ($v['outside_sale_org_id'] == 0 || !isset($o_list[$v['outside_sale_org_id']])) {
$v['org_name'] = 'CS平台下单';
} else {
$v['org_name'] = $o_list[$v['outside_sale_org_id']]["org_name"];
$org_name[$v['order_id']] = $v['org_name'];
$outside_order_no[$v['order_id']] = $v['outside_order_no'];
$order_info[$v['order_id']] = $v; //价格手机 姓名 run_time pay_time
$array_order_desc = array();
foreach ($order_info as $v) {
$arr_temp = explode('|', $v['order_description']);
$arr = array();
foreach ($arr_temp as $k => $v2) {
if (!empty($v2))
$arr[] = explode(',', $v2);
$array_order_desc[$v['order_id']] = $arr;
. "from order_main "
. "where parent_order_id in (" . implode(",", $json_id) . ")";
$result3 = $pdo->query($sql3);
$rowset3 = $result3->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($rowset3 as $v) {
$station[$v['parent_order_id']] = $v;//上车站下车站 详情
$sql2 = "select a.ORDER_ID,b.PAY_TYPE_ID_1,c.TYPE_NAME from (ORDER_MAIN a left join ORDER_PAY_DETAIL b on a.ORDER_PAY_MAIN_ID=b.pay_main_id)
left join dict_type c on c.id=b.PAY_TYPE_ID_1 "
. " where a.ORDER_ID in (" . implode(",", $json_id) . ")";
$result2 = $pdo->query($sql2);
do {
$rowset2 = $result2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($rowset2) {
$pay_type[] = $rowset2;
} while ($result2->nextRowset());
foreach ($pay_type[0] as $v) {
$pay_type_arr[$v['ORDER_ID']] = $v['TYPE_NAME']; //支付方式
$sql4 = "select a.ORDER_ID,a.order_status,c.TYPE_NAME from (ORDER_MAIN a left join ORDER_PAY_DETAIL b on a.ORDER_PAY_MAIN_ID=b.pay_main_id)
left join dict_type c on c.id=a.ORDER_STATUS "
. " where a.ORDER_ID in (" . implode(",", $json_id) . ")";
$result4 = $pdo->query($sql4);
do {
$rowset4 = $result4->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($rowset4) {
$order_sta[] = $rowset4;
} while ($result4->nextRowset());
foreach ($order_sta[0] as $v) {
$order_status[$v['ORDER_ID']] = $v['TYPE_NAME']; //订单的状态
$array_order_list = array();
//echo count($pay_type_arr),'--', count($json_id);
foreach ($json_id as $v) {
$tic = '';
$product_info = array();
if ($order_info[$v]['order_prod_type'] == 258 || $order_info[$v]['order_prod_type'] == 259) {
foreach ($array_order_desc[$v] as $v1) {
$tic .= str_replace('迪士尼剧场', '', $v1[0]) . '×' . $v1[2] . ' ';
if (isset($v1['ifback']))
$ifback = $v1['ifback'];
$product_info = $order_info[$v]['prod_name'] . '
' . $tic;
$ifdisn = 0;
} elseif ($order_info[$v]['order_prod_type'] == 282) {
foreach ($array_order_desc[$v] as $v1) {
$tic .= str_replace('周庄门票', '', $v1[0]) . '×' . $v1[2] . ' ';
if (isset($v1['ifback']))
$ifback = $v1['ifback'];
$product_info = $order_info[$v]['prod_name'] . '' . $tic;
if ($order_info[$v]['run_date'] <= date('Y-m-d', time()) || $order_info[$v]['order_status'] != 146) {
$ifdisn = 0;
} else {
$ifdisn = 1;
} else {//不是周庄也不是迪士尼--娄梦宁
foreach ($array_order_desc[$v] as $ky=>$v1) {
$tic .=$v1[0].'×' . $v1[2] . ' ';
if (isset($v1['ifback']))
$ifback = $v1['ifback'];
$product_info = $order_info[$v]['prod_name'] . '
' . $tic;
$time1='-'.$order_info[$v]['refund_limit_day'].' day';
$time2=$order_info[$v]['run_date'].' '.$order_info[$v]['refund_limit_time'];
if (time()>$refund_time|| $order_info[$v]['order_status'] != 146) {
$ifdisn = 0;
} else {
$ifdisn = 1;
if ($product_info != array()) {
$array_order_list[] = array(
'order_id' => $v,
'create_time' => $order_info[$v]['create_time'],
'org_name' => $org_name[$v],
'product_info' => $product_info,
'outside_order_no' => $outside_order_no[$v],
'ifdisney' => $ifdisn,
'ifzhouzhuang' => $ifdisn,
'run_time' => $station[$v]['run_date'] . ' ' . $station[$v]['run_time'],
'customer_info' => $order_info[$v]['customer_name'] . '
' . $order_info[$v]['customer_mobile'] . '
' . $order_info[$v]['customer_id_no'],
'order_pay' => $order_info[$v]['order_price'],
'customer_memo' => $order_info[$v]['customer_memo'],
'order_pay_type' => $pay_type_arr[$v],
'order_status' => $order_status[$v],
$list_count = count($array_order_list);
//echo $list_count;
$sta = ($currpage - 1) * ($pagesize + 0);
$array_order_list = array_slice($array_order_list, $sta, $pagesize);
$data = (array("code" => "0", "info" => "", "list_count" => $list_count, "searchInfo" => $array_order_list));
if (1) {
$json = array("code" => "0", "info" => "");
$json['list_count'] = $list_count;
$json['totalTickets'] = $list_count;
$json['totalPages'] = ceil($list_count / $pagesize);
$json['currentpage'] = $currpage;
$json['pagesize'] = $pagesize;
$json['orderSource'] = $o_list;//销售渠道
$json['orderList'] = $array_order_list; //订单详情
$json['count_list'] = isset($data_count_list) ? $data_count_list : array();
echo json_encode($json);
} else {
echo json_encode(array("code" => "0", "info" => "", "searchInfo" => array()));
echo json_encode(array("code" => "1", "info" => "出现一些错误", "searchInfo" => array()));