query($opera_org_id_sql); $rowset = $opera_org_id_result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $opera_org_id = $rowset[0]['opera_org_id']; $main_corp_id = $rowset[0]['main_corp_id']; $and_sql = ''; if ($opera_org_id != '') { $and_sql .= " and L.org_id in (" . $opera_org_id . ") "; } if ($main_corp_id != 0) { $and_sql .= " and L.main_corp_id in (" . $main_corp_id . ") "; } // $sql="CALL sp_get_line_list(".$lineStyle.",'".$keywords."',".$pagesize.",".$currpage.");"; $sql = "SELECT L.LINE_ID as prod_id, L.LINE_CODE as property, L.LINE_NAME as prod_name, L.LINE_TYPE as bus_type, CASE L.LINE_TYPE WHEN 255 THEN '直通巴士' WHEN 256 THEN '穿梭巴士' WHEN 284 THEN '城际商务车' ELSE '' END AS bus_type_name, CASE L.IF_DISABLED WHEN 0 THEN '启用' ELSE '停用' END AS disabled_status, (select count(*) from opera_station where line_id = L.line_id and cancel_flag = 0) AS station_cnt , -- 站点数量 ifnull(t.ticket_cnt,0) as ticket_cnt -- 票种数量 FROM OPERA_LINE L left join (select line_id,count(*) as ticket_cnt from (select distinct line_id,start_station_area_id,end_station_area_id,seat_type,human_type,prod_price,cus_price from opera_tickets where TICKET_TYPE = 1 ) a group by line_id) T ON L.LINE_ID = T.line_id WHERE L.CANCEL_FLAG = 0 AND IF(TRIM('" . $keywords . "')='',0=0,(L.LINE_CODE LIKE CONCAT('%','" . $keywords . "','%') OR L.LINE_NAME LIKE CONCAT('%','" . $keywords . "','%'))) AND IF(" . $lineStyle . "=0,0=0,L.LINE_TYPE=" . $lineStyle . ") " . $and_sql . " GROUP BY L.LINE_ID,L.LINE_CODE,L.LINE_NAME,L.LINE_TYPE,L.IF_DISABLED ORDER BY L.LINE_ID desc limit " . ($currpage-1)*$pagesize . "," . $pagesize; $result = $pdo->query($sql); $rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //$data = array(); //do { // $rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // if ($rowset) { // $data[] = $rowset; // } //} while ($result->nextRowset()); $count_sql = "SELECT L.LINE_ID as prod_id FROM OPERA_LINE L left join (select line_id,count(*) as ticket_cnt from (select distinct line_id,start_station_area_id,end_station_area_id,seat_type,human_type,prod_price,cus_price from opera_tickets where TICKET_TYPE = 1 ) a group by line_id) T ON L.LINE_ID = T.line_id WHERE L.CANCEL_FLAG = 0 AND IF(TRIM('" . $keywords . "')='',0=0,(L.LINE_CODE LIKE CONCAT('%','" . $keywords . "','%') OR L.LINE_NAME LIKE CONCAT('%','" . $keywords . "','%'))) AND IF(" . $lineStyle . "=0,0=0,L.LINE_TYPE=" . $lineStyle . ") " . $and_sql . " GROUP BY L.LINE_ID,L.LINE_CODE,L.LINE_NAME,L.LINE_TYPE,L.IF_DISABLED"; $result = $pdo->query($count_sql); $count = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $jason_array = array(); $jason_array["code"] = 0; $jason_array["info"] = ""; $jason_array["totalNum"] = count($count);//$data[0][0]["total"]; $jason_array["list"] = $rowset;//array(); // //foreach ($data[1] as $common_key => $common_info) { // $jason_array["list"][] = $common_info; //} echo json_encode($jason_array); exit();